我收到的E-mail - 消費者保護

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2009-07-01T11:32

Table of Contents

收信時間 2009/6/28(日) 上午12:19
*This is an automated email, please do not respond*
Thanks for considering Dell.com.tw!
This e-mail is to acknowledge receipt of your Dell Order. Within
approximately two business day, we will be contacting you to confirm your
order details.

We will start processing your order after you complete your payment. For
instructions on how to complete your payment please read the Payment
Information section at
If you have urgent request or if you do not hear from us within two business
days, please contact us at 00801 863 078.

For your Estimated Delivery Date (or to check on the progress of your order)
go to My Order Status

You will need your Internet Reference Number TW0000-34XX-19XXX and your
e-mail address.

Order can be tracked 24 hours after the payment confirmation.

Important Things to Know:
For a full copy of our Terms and Conditions of Sale click here.
The order tracking service allows you to track both the current (up to 60
days) and archived system orders from the time your order is received by our
manufacturing plant all the way through to final delivery address. (1~2
working days after payment confirmed)
Useful links:
To Check Order Status click here
View or Print a copy of Invoice click here
To Check Warranty Status click here
Drivers and Downloads click here


不知道為什麼全英文的 @@ ,沒有收到其他的信



針對旅日歸國投手546狀況不佳 , 總教練紅中歸咎於生活管理因素
紅中:我剪網路線! 546:還好我口袋有 3.5G 網卡
紅中:我拆基地台! 546:還好我抽屜有日本帶回來的衛星碟型天線
紅中:我射下衛星! 546:騙肖,怎麼射? ... 等等, 鋒哥, 你做什麼? 把棒子放下來...
共軍最新情報顯示, 台灣同樣擁有射下衛星的導彈技術, 發射台應位於高雄澄清湖一帶


All Comments

Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2009-07-03T04:37
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2009-07-07T23:39
對了 我想說用信用卡的他會不會不刷然後第七天取消
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2009-07-08T08:51
我這信裡面好像沒有 Dell的帳號????
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2009-07-12T11:31
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2009-07-13T03:57
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2009-07-15T03:14
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2009-07-18T18:04

標錯價遲不解決 戴爾:今提案

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2009-07-01T04:54
標錯價遲不解決 戴爾:今提案 2009年07月01日蘋果日報 【楊芷茜、秦富珍、朱正庭╱台北報導】網路直銷電腦商戴爾(DELL)台灣官網上周四發 生的標錯 ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2009-07-01T01:14
我有遇到另一個狀況 在我刷卡下訂的隔天 就有個台中永辰公司的打電話給我 ( 我網路上留的那隻 ) 說他們有新的LCD TV (那麼巧 剛好我訂的是LCM )要上市� ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2009-07-01T00:20
吃光光 ----------------- 以上述文章 意思就是 一單至少折七千出一台的意思囉~但是...會碰到的情況 1.一張單子就出一台,其他全撮掉(照消費者原下訂 ...

DELL facebook的回應

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2009-07-01T00:09
若有OP等等自D 就部分的英文留言,DELL做出了以下了回應 Hi OOXX, I have been in communication with the Global Customer Service team and have been communicating the feedback on th ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2009-07-01T00:07
總覺得會一直重複看到完全沒爬文的人問一樣的問題.... 為了方便想說整理一些常見問題,歡迎大家補充^^ 有些部分會引用別板或是本板的文章 只要看� ...