請問Amazon promotional credits的限制 - 海外購物

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2018-12-14T17:53

Table of Contents

因為一些退貨問題,Amazon客服給了我100美的promotional credits,

To help you with this, as promised by the previous agent I've issued a $100
promotional certificate to your Amazon.com account, which will automatically
apply the next time you order an eligible item sold and shipped by
Amazon.com. The promotional certificate doesn't apply to items offered by
other sellers on the Amazon.com website and won't cover the purchase of gift
cards, sales tax, gift wrap, or additional shipping costs.

Your promotional balance doesn't appear in Your Account, but will always
display at checkout when you place an order through the Shopping Cart for an
eligible item shipped and sold by Amazon.

If you place a 1-Click order for eligible Kindle books or other digital
products sold by Amazon Digital Services, the promotional funds will apply to
your order automatically before another payment method is charged.

For more information about promotional codes, including the terms and
conditions of use and what happens when you return an order paid for with a
promotional code, go to:



All Comments

Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2018-12-16T05:11
Amazon 自己賣的都行, 第三段只是說你如果用快速結
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2018-12-20T19:50
帳買那些數位產品, 這個補償金會自動套用
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2018-12-25T10:25
原文寫得很明確, 可能是你用的翻譯軟體把原文翻的讓
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2018-12-27T20:13


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2018-12-13T23:32
如題,請教版上大大如何處理 以下是我的狀況: 10/28下單 10/30出貨 12/6聯絡客服 12/10回覆表示會退款 12/13送到投遞股 客服回應: Thanks for letting us know you’ve received your parcel. On this occasion we ...

asos 國際購物小幫手

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2018-12-12T18:47
這個外掛是不是不能用了.... 今年3月買Herschel 後背包還可以用的說...... 第三行~ - ...

IG海外網購 PayPal+EMS

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2018-12-12T18:42
各位大大好~ 分享兼紀錄一下這次特別的網購經驗~ 這是我第一次跨國網購(扣除淘寶) 而且並非是透過常見的購物平台網站購物 而是在IG上的看到我喜歡的東西 我買的東西是高單價(700USD)的訂製物品 對方是俄羅斯的一位個人設計師賣家 以這類物品來說並非是十分有名的設計師 由IG上看來粉絲不算很多(不到3 ...


Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2018-12-12T00:31
在11/14下了訂單 原本預計11/29會到 可是到現在都還沒等到 跑去投遞股那邊問了後 也說沒收到類似的包裹(東西蠻多的 應該很大包) 想問一下版友能否分享一下自己的情況 感激不盡 PS超害怕其實包裹已到但可能標籤有問題被退回 然後連自己都不知道 嗚嗚 補充下 寄件位置為台中南區 ---- Sent ...

ASOS 75折

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2018-12-11T16:05
優惠內容:ASOS 75折 情報來源:ASOS app 使用方法:結帳前輸入25FORALL 截止日期:台灣時間禮拜四下午四點 優惠限制:每單折扣前需最低消費NT2600 紅字可用~ - ...