為什麼穿polo衫把領子立起來? - CK

By Tracy
at 2005-08-23T03:04
at 2005-08-23T03:04
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嗯,想到去年有篇Normal po關於polo shirt的文
作者: NORMAN0229 (考試啊..) 看板: Brand
標題: [介紹] polo衫的扣子與領子
時間: Tue Apr 27 04:47:32 2004
除了扣子扣不扣, 領子立與否, 和要不要紮進褲子外,
雖沒有什麼複雜的變化, 但要穿的很醜卻也不容易.
話雖如此, 但polo衫其實還是有比較恰當的穿法.
(我這邊先翻譯, 原文貼在底下)
暑假期間我的男朋友堅持把他的polo衫領子立起來, 還堅持不肯
扣扣子, 說是gq教他這才是正確的穿法. 我能說什麼呢? 到了冬天時,
他還是這樣穿, 外面還加了件jumper(棉質套頭外衣). 我難道一整年都要
我們的確很可能這樣建議過他. 除非你是活在60年代的
摩登派 ( 二十世紀六十年代出現的講究穿著而生活放蕩的青少年 )
不然領子不是給你翻,扣子也不是給你扣的. 如果你不相信, 去翻翻
有穿polo shirt的經典老電影, 像是brat pack的st elmo's fire和
ferris bueller's day off.
改變. 不過無論如何我們沒建議他外面再套件jumper. 這完全使得
原來效果走樣. 現在是夏天你可以暫時忍受他, 但當秋天的第一片
翻了翻手邊的gq和fhm,絕大多數的polo shirt的確都沒扣扣子,
除了一件三顆扣的是例外. 可是領子的部分, 現在應該很少人把他立
起來了吧. 有點積非成是的感覺.
question of the month
during the summer my boyfriend insists on wearing his polo
shirt with the collar up and the buttons undone, insisting that
GQ's style shrink said it's the correct way to wear it. Who am
i to argue? However during the winter, he still wear it this way,
except under his jumper. Must i put up with this all year round?
Claire Williams, by e-mail
We may have suggested this was the appropriate way to wear a
polo shirt. Unless you're a mod, the buttons are not for buttoning
and the collar is not for turning. Down that is. Look to the
great style moments in polo shirt history- consult the classic
Brat Pack movies such as St. elmo's fire and ferris bueller's
day off and learn.
In truth it's a summer look, and to import it iinto britain's grey,
wintry climes inevitably requires some adaptation. But at no
timedid we wever mention wearing it with a jumper, which is liable
to completely upset the effect. Now as summer approaches you can
put away such worries. But if he's still doing it when the
first leaves begin to fall, ditch him.
※ 引述《aLama (Bliss + Wisdom \(^o^)/)》之銘言:
: 標題: [請益] 為什麼穿polo衫把領子立起來?
: 時間: Mon Aug 22 21:50:46 2005
: 最近常看到人穿polo衫把領子立起來 很納悶
: 這是什麼時候開始流行的呀?
: 印象中第一次看到這種穿法是
: 賈靜雯的先生穿一件黃色緊身條紋polo衫
: 領子有立起來 不過因為他穿緊身的
: polo衫領子比較小 立起來就蠻好看的
: 之後在街上也發現把polo衫領子立起來的人越來越多了
: 小至國小小朋友 中至飲料店的工讀生 大至滿頭灰髮的長者都這麼穿
: 好好奇喔 所以來請教各位版大
: 這是什麼時候開始流行的?
: 這股潮流發源地是?
: 謝謝!
: --
作者: NORMAN0229 (考試啊..) 看板: Brand
標題: [介紹] polo衫的扣子與領子
時間: Tue Apr 27 04:47:32 2004
除了扣子扣不扣, 領子立與否, 和要不要紮進褲子外,
雖沒有什麼複雜的變化, 但要穿的很醜卻也不容易.
話雖如此, 但polo衫其實還是有比較恰當的穿法.
(我這邊先翻譯, 原文貼在底下)
暑假期間我的男朋友堅持把他的polo衫領子立起來, 還堅持不肯
扣扣子, 說是gq教他這才是正確的穿法. 我能說什麼呢? 到了冬天時,
他還是這樣穿, 外面還加了件jumper(棉質套頭外衣). 我難道一整年都要
我們的確很可能這樣建議過他. 除非你是活在60年代的
摩登派 ( 二十世紀六十年代出現的講究穿著而生活放蕩的青少年 )
不然領子不是給你翻,扣子也不是給你扣的. 如果你不相信, 去翻翻
有穿polo shirt的經典老電影, 像是brat pack的st elmo's fire和
ferris bueller's day off.
改變. 不過無論如何我們沒建議他外面再套件jumper. 這完全使得
原來效果走樣. 現在是夏天你可以暫時忍受他, 但當秋天的第一片
翻了翻手邊的gq和fhm,絕大多數的polo shirt的確都沒扣扣子,
除了一件三顆扣的是例外. 可是領子的部分, 現在應該很少人把他立
起來了吧. 有點積非成是的感覺.
question of the month
during the summer my boyfriend insists on wearing his polo
shirt with the collar up and the buttons undone, insisting that
GQ's style shrink said it's the correct way to wear it. Who am
i to argue? However during the winter, he still wear it this way,
except under his jumper. Must i put up with this all year round?
Claire Williams, by e-mail
We may have suggested this was the appropriate way to wear a
polo shirt. Unless you're a mod, the buttons are not for buttoning
and the collar is not for turning. Down that is. Look to the
great style moments in polo shirt history- consult the classic
Brat Pack movies such as St. elmo's fire and ferris bueller's
day off and learn.
In truth it's a summer look, and to import it iinto britain's grey,
wintry climes inevitably requires some adaptation. But at no
timedid we wever mention wearing it with a jumper, which is liable
to completely upset the effect. Now as summer approaches you can
put away such worries. But if he's still doing it when the
first leaves begin to fall, ditch him.
※ 引述《aLama (Bliss + Wisdom \(^o^)/)》之銘言:
: 標題: [請益] 為什麼穿polo衫把領子立起來?
: 時間: Mon Aug 22 21:50:46 2005
: 最近常看到人穿polo衫把領子立起來 很納悶
: 這是什麼時候開始流行的呀?
: 印象中第一次看到這種穿法是
: 賈靜雯的先生穿一件黃色緊身條紋polo衫
: 領子有立起來 不過因為他穿緊身的
: polo衫領子比較小 立起來就蠻好看的
: 之後在街上也發現把polo衫領子立起來的人越來越多了
: 小至國小小朋友 中至飲料店的工讀生 大至滿頭灰髮的長者都這麼穿
: 好好奇喔 所以來請教各位版大
: 這是什麼時候開始流行的?
: 這股潮流發源地是?
: 謝謝!
: --
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