J.CREW學生折扣問題 - 海外購物

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2008-11-25T03:05

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※ 引述《fisheep0711 (魚羊)》之銘言:
: 自問自回,問過一些代買者之後獲得的訊息是
: 先下訂單,之後再用學生信箱跟他們說你的訂單號碼
: 之後會以退款15%的方式取代店面直接折價
: 不過目前是還沒收到退款通知,等收到再來跟大家報告囉

We would be happy to apply your teacher/student discount to any
qualifying order placed.

Promotional coupons are not combinable with any other discount. If,
however, the coupon discount already on your order amounted to less than
15%, we would be happy to apply an adjustment of the difference to raise
the overall savings to the 15% level you expect as a student/teacher.

In reviewing the status of order 1007915689, the promotional offer
"Extra20" has been applied to the order. This promotion amounts to a
value greater than that which you would receive using your 15% discount,
it is to your advantage to keep the current promotion rather than
replace it with the 15% standing discount.

We regret any disappointment and thank you for your understanding.

If we can be of further assistance, please let me know by responding
directly to this email or through my contact information which I have
provided below.



All Comments


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2008-11-24T21:51
10月的時候在ebay上買了一件衣服。 賣家說他10/16已經從美國寄出來了,但是至今我都沒有收到。 賣家的評價是破900而且好評率是100%的人。 因此我算蠻相信他,不太可能沒有寄出來。 現在問題來了,因為超過一個月沒有收到,我已經去paypal開了claim。 賣家也提供了收據說他確實有寄出, ...

請問usps寄送查詢 EH 開頭…

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2008-11-24T18:01
第一次在國外網站購物,買的是手錶… 購物完成後,該官網陸續都有mail購買進度, 他寄給我的最後一封mail ================== Pleased to tell you that your watch order has been dispatched via EMS Express ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2008-11-24T15:36
※ 引述《fisheep0711 (魚羊)》之銘言: : 版友們好,因為聽說學生在J.CREW買東西可以再享85折 : 店面是帶學生證給他看,網路的話客服是說有個地方可以註明學生 : 後續結帳就會有折扣了,可是找了很久都找不到有什麼欄位 : 是可以註明學生的,所以想請教有經驗的版友 : 要在哪個地方可以做註明 ...

AE每季的折價券 到店面買會自動積點嗎?

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2008-11-24T14:24
: 想問一下AE每一季的折價券(40%off 30% off那種) : 不是可以網路買一次 店面買一次嗎? : 那我在網路上的話 就是要結帳前自己登錄All Access Pall : 那在店裡面買的 他會自動幫你登錄進去 還是說要拿收據回家輸入? : 謝謝 : : 推 mchen2 :皆可 要看你 ...

Important information about your AE order ?!

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2008-11-24T11:10
hi~ dear all 台灣時間 11/24 01:30am 在AE官網下訂單 但是沒收到 【Your American Eagle Outfitters, Inc. Order Has Been Received】 的回覆信 但是信用卡已傳過來刷卡成功訊息 到AE官網確認 Recent Order ...