賣家記錯地址... - 海外購物

By Franklin
at 2010-04-12T04:11
at 2010-04-12T04:11
Table of Contents
Dear all:
我在UK ebay上買了東西,事前有詢問賣家是否願意寄到台灣,他也說願意
然後我問他郵資約多少,他就沒有回答. 於是乎我也就標到了東西...
ok,付款已經完畢,賣家也告訴我他寄出....等呀等呀 快一個月了 現在
我都沒收到東西,我就問他,他說因為沒有track num所以可能遺失
Hi there,
I have just checked your address and I posted to your address in London I have
just checked your contact details and you have got Tiwan ?
I dont really understand this becuase i never said i would post out side of
england not for postage at 2.50<
Could you let me know if you have changed address ?
thanks x
As you can i see i never responded an i never
said wheter i would send to there or what the price would be.
when i printed your postage label it was just sent to an address in london.
看完這封信,我剛剛open case了...我不懂為什麼我所有的運送地址都是顯示台灣
Seller's note:
"I do not accept responsibility of this accusation. We sent the dress to her
correct address which she provides to us via ebay. She did email me saying do
I send to Taiwan before she bid on the item I did not respond to the email.
She then carried on bidding for the dress when she won the dress she did not
give me another address to send to so, we sent it to the address on ebay.
If she wanted it sent to another address then she should change her details.
I feel this is really unfair that I am getting the blame for her mistake. Jody"
我已經叫他去看看我們交易的detail, 明明地址都是台灣, 台灣.....他還硬掰是倫敦
她根本就是睜眼說瞎話!!! 我第一次遇到這麼誇張的英國賣家....
請問這樣ebay會退我錢吧????? 我本來以為寄丟就自認倒楣,
誰叫他要跟我說 都是我郵資付太少 所以寄到國內才會丟...整個就ox#%@...
我在UK ebay上買了東西,事前有詢問賣家是否願意寄到台灣,他也說願意
然後我問他郵資約多少,他就沒有回答. 於是乎我也就標到了東西...
ok,付款已經完畢,賣家也告訴我他寄出....等呀等呀 快一個月了 現在
我都沒收到東西,我就問他,他說因為沒有track num所以可能遺失
Hi there,
I have just checked your address and I posted to your address in London I have
just checked your contact details and you have got Tiwan ?
I dont really understand this becuase i never said i would post out side of
england not for postage at 2.50<
Could you let me know if you have changed address ?
thanks x
As you can i see i never responded an i never
said wheter i would send to there or what the price would be.
when i printed your postage label it was just sent to an address in london.
看完這封信,我剛剛open case了...我不懂為什麼我所有的運送地址都是顯示台灣
Seller's note:
"I do not accept responsibility of this accusation. We sent the dress to her
correct address which she provides to us via ebay. She did email me saying do
I send to Taiwan before she bid on the item I did not respond to the email.
She then carried on bidding for the dress when she won the dress she did not
give me another address to send to so, we sent it to the address on ebay.
If she wanted it sent to another address then she should change her details.
I feel this is really unfair that I am getting the blame for her mistake. Jody"
我已經叫他去看看我們交易的detail, 明明地址都是台灣, 台灣.....他還硬掰是倫敦
她根本就是睜眼說瞎話!!! 我第一次遇到這麼誇張的英國賣家....
請問這樣ebay會退我錢吧????? 我本來以為寄丟就自認倒楣,
誰叫他要跟我說 都是我郵資付太少 所以寄到國內才會丟...整個就ox#%@...
All Comments

By Skylar Davis
at 2010-04-14T17:51
at 2010-04-14T17:51

By Lucy
at 2010-04-15T02:47
at 2010-04-15T02:47

By Jack
at 2010-04-19T17:23
at 2010-04-19T17:23

By Andy
at 2010-04-20T02:04
at 2010-04-20T02:04

By Jake
at 2010-04-24T10:25
at 2010-04-24T10:25

By Daniel
at 2010-04-25T20:40
at 2010-04-25T20:40

By Kama
at 2010-04-26T13:44
at 2010-04-26T13:44

By Oliver
at 2010-04-30T09:07
at 2010-04-30T09:07

By Hedda
at 2010-05-01T12:41
at 2010-05-01T12:41

By Leila
at 2010-05-05T21:36
at 2010-05-05T21:36

By Charlie
at 2010-05-10T01:56
at 2010-05-10T01:56
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