買賣 Paypal 跨國轉帳會扣 3.9% - 海外購物

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2009-01-07T08:36

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剛才收到 US Paypal 的回信,


台灣寄美金到美國, 要扣手續費
美國寄美金到台灣, 免費

歐盟內不同國家匯款, 手續費減免0.5%
在歐盟外寄出款項, 增加0.5%

(假設已符合基本條件, personal account + funded by paypal balance)

至於被扣手續費的, 除了英國之外還有其他受害者嗎?



I am going to receive payment from a personal account with Taiwan address.
The payment will be funded by PayPal Balance.
I understand that "fees for cross border payments" will be applied
for payments funded by credit cards and multiple currency transactions.
But how about the transfer using PayPal Balance of the same currency?
Is it free of this charge?


No, as long as you received a payment from other country you will be
charged for a cross border fee. Please take note that it is regardless
of the funding source used by the sender.

Customers who receive a payment from a user in another country are
charged a cross border fee.

To view the cross-border fees for your account:

1. Go to the PayPal website and log in to your account.
2. Click "Fees" at the bottom of the page.
3. Click the "Fees for cross border payments" link in the Premier and
Business accounts column.

Fees assessed for every payment are posted with the transaction in your
account history. To view your fees, log in to your account and click
"History" at the top of the page.


I have a buyer from Taiwan (different country). He has a personal account
created in the United States Paypal website, but his address is in Taiwan,
and verified with a Taiwan credit card.

Does cross-border fee apply in this case?


Customers who receive a payment from a user in another country are
charged a cross border fee.
The cross border fee will only apply for payments from an account
different from the country of your account. For example, in your case
you receive a payment from a non-U.S. PayPal account. The particular
payment which you will receive will be charged a cross border fee.
Regardless where the account was created for as long as the country of
the account is different from the country of your PayPal account you
will still be charge a cross border fee.

The cross-border fee is currently waived for Canadian sellers
receiving payments from U.S. buyers.

The cross-border fee is currently waived for Hong Kong, Singapore,
Australian and Taiwan sellers.

Sellers in European Union countries receiving payments in Euros from
members in any European Union country receive an additional 0.5%
reduction in their cross-border fees as shown on the country-specific
Transaction Fees for Cross-Border Payments page.
Fees shown on that page are for payments received from members of a
European Union country.
If a Euro currency payment is initiated outside the European Union
countries, the 0.5% fee is added.


All Comments

Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2009-01-09T22:19
我之前從台灣帳戶轉到法國有被扣過 目前不想再試
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2009-01-14T01:08

另種跨國匯款方式 XOOM

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2009-01-05T22:24
最近跟Paypaland#34;結怨and#34;頗深 一直在尋找其他快速收單(並且不會被囉嘍)方式.. 剛好就翻到Xoom了 http://www.xoom.com/ 簡單來講Xoom=Paypal+Western Union 付款方 可由北美銀行戶(手續費較低) 或是paypal 或一般信用 ...

關於AE的 生日禮物?!

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2009-01-05T16:59
我想請問一下 因為生日到有收到AE的GIFT MAIL 上面寫著 Offer valid within 7 days of your birthday. Valid proof of birth date must be presented to receive your discount. You mu ...


Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2009-01-05T13:04
最近想請人代買 Timberland 2的53009 上網查到一個洛杉磯的mall的網站 想請問有人在這網站買過東西嗎 網址 http://www.botachtactical.com/tiproweso.html 因為代買的人沒在這邊買過 想確認一下這邊買東西ok嗎? 他的價格比其他地方便宜很 ...

Paypal 跨國轉帳會扣 3.9%

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2009-01-05T05:18
之前有版友反應說買 ppb 會被抽手續費 我查了一下 https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/webscr? cmd=_display-xborder-fees-outsideandamp;countries= 應該是因為一方用的是台灣帳號, 而另一方是英國帳號 跨國交易會 ...

大額交易讓 Paypal 凍結?

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2009-01-05T02:07
想請教的是多大的金額會讓 Paypal 被凍結? 爬文看到的範例是 1700美金 當日轉進轉出會被凍結 我想這應該是由於美國的911條款, 避免恐怖份子洗錢的緣故 所以銀行法有規定超過 1000美金的轉帳 都要申報 好像是以每帳號每日來計算 有沒有人能提出少於1000美金被凍結的經驗? - ...