請問排汗長(短)褲? - 戶外用品

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2006-07-09T23:32

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以下是他的回信~~ 參考看看吧!!

The expert tight is our original design and is a targeted support system that
offers a lot of support to the knee and the IT band w/ a good amount of
support to the hamstrings and the calf muscles. People who have very bad
knees or IT bands like purchasing this model and is also very popular with
skiers. Retail price: $80

The pro tight is what we call 'tuned support' and offers a more overall
support to the lower body. In addition to supporting the knees, hamstrings,
quads, hip flexors, and calves, it also provides a lot of support to the
lower back and the glutes. This one still does support the knees and IT
band, just not quite as much as the expert model. This one tends to be a
little more popular with runners (unless they need more support in the knees
and IT band than anywhere else). Also, the way the conditioning web criss
crosses in spots, it almost feels like its helping you run in a way by acting
as a sort of suspension system...I've noticed this myself and have heard
others make the same comment. Retail price $95 (due to a more complex
conditioning web).

Both the Expert and the Pro are a coolmax/lycra blend so both are quick at
wicking moisture off the body and drying. Both are very supportive and
provide a sort of exo-skeleton to the body. It just depends on what support
you're looking for. Both are great products and I think you'd be happy with
either one, as most people are.

The Insulator Expert tights offers the SAME support as the EXPERT tights and
adds the thermal temperature regulating properties, thus making it perfect
for cold weather outdoor activities. Made of patented Auto-Sensor fabric...
a temperature regulating fabric. Basically the material of the garment wants
to stay at a comfortable temperature, therefore it will either release your
body heat to cool you down...say when you are going down the mountain and
getting warmed up, or it will work to trap your body heat to warm you
up...say when you are on the ski lift and your body is starting to cool down.
It will virtually get rid of those peaks and valleys of temperature that
people usually experience with outdoor activity in the winter or in cool
weather. For more information you can review our products and technologies
used on our website (www.cw-x.com). Retail price: $95

This Fall we will also be introducing a Insulator Pro tight, which will have
the same support as the Pro Tight, but will be made for the Auto-Sensor
fabric. This will retail at $110.

Due to the temperature regulating qualities of the Insulator products, I
would say that they will NOT cause you to overheat.

If you have anymore questions please let me know.

Thanks for your interest in CW-X!

Shara Leonard
Marketing/Sales Assistant
CW-X, Wacoal Sports Science Corp.
136 Madison Ave.
New York, NY 10016
W: www.cw-x.com
E: [email protected]






All Comments


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2006-07-09T11:39
我也超愛穿他們家的衣服,對女生來說,衣服的設計 是針對女性的,不是那種中性的,不過覺得蠻貴的, 台南新光三越新天地有他家的櫃,不過量及樣式不多, 很可惜南部有賣的不多,害我每次都得跑到北部買。 ※ 引述《cpk6313.bbsatbbs.badcow.com.tw (sl)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《SiFo ...


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2006-07-09T00:30
※ 引述《lrchang (善良撒旦)》之銘言: : 好問題ㄚ.. : ※ 引述《ussop (卡比獸)》之銘言: : : 請教各位先進 : : 下列的名詞的意義與用途 : : tarp : 雨布 : : footprint : 地布- 一般用在帳棚底下的保護 : : Ground Covers ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2006-07-09T00:07
※ 引述《moulder (天屎~加百列)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《adonlin.bbsatbbs.badcow.com.tw (adonlin)》之銘言: : : 實體店面我不知道,但是 y拍上有人賣 : : http://tw.f3.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/c2388 ...


James avatar
By James
at 2006-07-08T23:05
※ 引述《adonlin.bbsatbbs.badcow.com.tw (adonlin)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《airlun.bbsatptt.cc (野)》之銘言: : : ^^^^^^^^^^不懂 : : 倒是看了連結覺得 看起來功能性頗強 : : 台北那 ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2006-07-08T20:32
※ 引述《gcboy.bbsatbbs.badcow.com.tw (TrailCorner小角色)》之銘言: : 我來推薦一下720 armour的眼鏡 : 我自己覺得他算是價格我還可以接受 : 型也還不錯的運動墨鏡 : 如果你沒有近視的話...應該2500~3000可以買到他的眼鏡 : 看你的預算囉 : ...