請問usps兩個月還沒收到貨物... - 海外購物

By Sierra Rose
at 2008-04-01T01:55
at 2008-04-01T01:55
Table of Contents
如果是用priority mail flat-rate 的 "信封" 也就是無法追蹤的那種
萬一收件人說沒收到, 有什麼辦法可以查嗎?
幾週前我同時寄了7個包裹, 其中有一個信封寄丟了, 對方說沒收到
找來找去找不到解決的方法, 所以我就全額退款的
金額不算大, 但還是想知道是否有人欲過類似的狀況, 大家怎麼解決
※ 引述《jojoagogo (Invincible)》之銘言:
: 我開了PayPal和eBay的dispute
: 不過PayPal的超過45天所以隔天就關掉了
: 於是我就用eBay的留訊息給賣家
: 剛剛他回信給我:
: I don't want any of my customers to get screwed over on an item that they
: bought from me! I will take all of the information to my post office and see
: if they can find the package. If they can't find it, I will file an insurance
: claim if I possibly can since their is no tracking information on it, and send
: you another pair.
: Most sellers would see that there was nothing you could do to get your money
: back and not even deal with you again! But I am not most sellers!!! I am a
: very good seller and I care wheather you receive your package or not! Don't
: worry! I will either find your package, or send you another one, it will just
: take a little more time. Thanks and contact me with any other questions you
: might have or to find out the status of what is going on.
: 看起來是有誠意解決的,不過實際上也不知道是不是這樣
: 總之各位以後如果有在eBay買東西不要像我那麼笨拖了兩個月才再擔心...
: ※ 引述《jojoagogo (Invincible)》之銘言:
: : 小弟在今年1月30日跟美國的eBay賣家完成交易,
: : 並經由PayPal付款成功,如今信用卡都已經扣款了,
: : 可是還沒收到貨物,
: : 我檢視USPS的tracking Number一直停留在Electronic Shipping Info Received,
: : 我寫信到USPS問,他們回答我因為我的包裹是經由Priority Mail International所以無法查詢,
: : 在中華郵政的網頁也沒有資料,
: : 而PayPal上的付款紀錄是shipped,
: : 請問我的包裹是寄出了嗎?
: : 如果沒有的話,現在該怎麼處理呢?
: : 謝謝各位!
: : 我的tracking Number是:LJ608672057US
如果是用priority mail flat-rate 的 "信封" 也就是無法追蹤的那種
萬一收件人說沒收到, 有什麼辦法可以查嗎?
幾週前我同時寄了7個包裹, 其中有一個信封寄丟了, 對方說沒收到
找來找去找不到解決的方法, 所以我就全額退款的
金額不算大, 但還是想知道是否有人欲過類似的狀況, 大家怎麼解決
※ 引述《jojoagogo (Invincible)》之銘言:
: 我開了PayPal和eBay的dispute
: 不過PayPal的超過45天所以隔天就關掉了
: 於是我就用eBay的留訊息給賣家
: 剛剛他回信給我:
: I don't want any of my customers to get screwed over on an item that they
: bought from me! I will take all of the information to my post office and see
: if they can find the package. If they can't find it, I will file an insurance
: claim if I possibly can since their is no tracking information on it, and send
: you another pair.
: Most sellers would see that there was nothing you could do to get your money
: back and not even deal with you again! But I am not most sellers!!! I am a
: very good seller and I care wheather you receive your package or not! Don't
: worry! I will either find your package, or send you another one, it will just
: take a little more time. Thanks and contact me with any other questions you
: might have or to find out the status of what is going on.
: 看起來是有誠意解決的,不過實際上也不知道是不是這樣
: 總之各位以後如果有在eBay買東西不要像我那麼笨拖了兩個月才再擔心...
: ※ 引述《jojoagogo (Invincible)》之銘言:
: : 小弟在今年1月30日跟美國的eBay賣家完成交易,
: : 並經由PayPal付款成功,如今信用卡都已經扣款了,
: : 可是還沒收到貨物,
: : 我檢視USPS的tracking Number一直停留在Electronic Shipping Info Received,
: : 我寫信到USPS問,他們回答我因為我的包裹是經由Priority Mail International所以無法查詢,
: : 在中華郵政的網頁也沒有資料,
: : 而PayPal上的付款紀錄是shipped,
: : 請問我的包裹是寄出了嗎?
: : 如果沒有的話,現在該怎麼處理呢?
: : 謝謝各位!
: : 我的tracking Number是:LJ608672057US
All Comments

By Mary
at 2008-04-01T16:52
at 2008-04-01T16:52

By Megan
at 2008-04-04T18:27
at 2008-04-04T18:27

By Tracy
at 2008-04-08T20:19
at 2008-04-08T20:19

By Regina
at 2008-04-12T02:29
at 2008-04-12T02:29

By Emily
at 2008-04-16T08:07
at 2008-04-16T08:07

By Carolina Franco
at 2008-04-17T09:30
at 2008-04-17T09:30

By Jake
at 2008-04-17T16:05
at 2008-04-17T16:05

By Michael
at 2008-04-20T18:46
at 2008-04-20T18:46
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