藏青/海軍藍(navy)斜條紋:最實用的領帶 - 西裝

By Ursula
at 2013-12-10T11:58
at 2013-12-10T11:58
Table of Contents
藏青/海軍藍 (navy) 斜條紋:最實用的領帶
from Permanent Style: http://goo.gl/EI3c3d
領帶和藍色襯衫來搭配如褐色華達呢 (gabardine)、蘇格蘭格紋 (glen plaid)、淺色亞麻
另外,英國人稱斜條紋領帶為"club stripe"是因為男士穿戴所屬的俱樂部配色的領帶,圖
樣通常是俱樂部部徽上的紋飾 (crest) 而非條紋 (stripe);而在美國,斜條紋領帶則被
認為是稜紋領帶 (repp ties),不過,並非意指條紋 (stripe),而是絲綢的斜紋織造紋理
(diagonal ribbing)。(稜紋"repp"有腐敗、墮落之意)。
Navy stripe: The most useful tie
From a purely logical standpoint, the most useful tie you will own is a navy-
blue club stripe. Followed by a brown or burgundy in the same pattern.
The first reason is that a dark tie is more versatile than a pale tie. It is
more sober, more business-like and, outside of work, can play the supporting
role to more adventurous clothing combinations.
Second, the most useful dark colour it can be in is navy blue. As with suits,
which are most practical in the base colours of grey and blue, ties in either
navy blue or silver are versatile enough to produce an outfit for an interview
or presentation (try the classic blue suit and grey tie, or vice versa) and to
combine with other patterns and colours. Both go easily with every colour of
shirt (white, pink, blue and others) and most colours of suit.
Navy, however, is more practical at anchoring adventurous patterns and colours
in the suit or shirt. As explained in my theory on The Italian Background, a
blue tie and blue shirt is often used by gentlemen of that country to accompany
daring materials, such as tan gabardine, bold glen plaids and pale linens. Navy
is more useful than grey.
However, as the third leg of my argument, I would argue that a tie with a bold
stripe is more practical than a plain one. It can accompany three other patterns
(shirt, suit, handkerchief) or none. It can rise above patterned shirts and
fairly bold pinstriped suits, its strength of pattern and contrast being almost
impossible to match. And it is reserved and therefore multifaceted. Some may
argue that a large-pattern club tie, with crests for example, would be more
practical as it will never clash with the pattern of a shirt or suit; I would
argue its occasions for wear are slightly more limited.
For these reasons, a navy-blue club-stripe tie is most practical tie you can
own. If you only own one tie, make it this one. Of course, few men are likely
to be in that position. This is a slightly pointless argument. But it amuses me
and, I hope, convinces some of the importance of both navy and club stripes in
a tie collection.
By the way, the English call it a club stripe because men wore it in the colours
of their club to denote membership. A club tie normally means one with crests
rather than stripes. In the US, these ties are normally known as repp ties.
This, however, does not refer to the stripe but to the diagonal ribbing (from
which repp is a corruption) of the silk.
from Permanent Style: http://goo.gl/EI3c3d
領帶和藍色襯衫來搭配如褐色華達呢 (gabardine)、蘇格蘭格紋 (glen plaid)、淺色亞麻
另外,英國人稱斜條紋領帶為"club stripe"是因為男士穿戴所屬的俱樂部配色的領帶,圖
樣通常是俱樂部部徽上的紋飾 (crest) 而非條紋 (stripe);而在美國,斜條紋領帶則被
認為是稜紋領帶 (repp ties),不過,並非意指條紋 (stripe),而是絲綢的斜紋織造紋理
(diagonal ribbing)。(稜紋"repp"有腐敗、墮落之意)。
Navy stripe: The most useful tie
From a purely logical standpoint, the most useful tie you will own is a navy-
blue club stripe. Followed by a brown or burgundy in the same pattern.
The first reason is that a dark tie is more versatile than a pale tie. It is
more sober, more business-like and, outside of work, can play the supporting
role to more adventurous clothing combinations.
Second, the most useful dark colour it can be in is navy blue. As with suits,
which are most practical in the base colours of grey and blue, ties in either
navy blue or silver are versatile enough to produce an outfit for an interview
or presentation (try the classic blue suit and grey tie, or vice versa) and to
combine with other patterns and colours. Both go easily with every colour of
shirt (white, pink, blue and others) and most colours of suit.
Navy, however, is more practical at anchoring adventurous patterns and colours
in the suit or shirt. As explained in my theory on The Italian Background, a
blue tie and blue shirt is often used by gentlemen of that country to accompany
daring materials, such as tan gabardine, bold glen plaids and pale linens. Navy
is more useful than grey.
However, as the third leg of my argument, I would argue that a tie with a bold
stripe is more practical than a plain one. It can accompany three other patterns
(shirt, suit, handkerchief) or none. It can rise above patterned shirts and
fairly bold pinstriped suits, its strength of pattern and contrast being almost
impossible to match. And it is reserved and therefore multifaceted. Some may
argue that a large-pattern club tie, with crests for example, would be more
practical as it will never clash with the pattern of a shirt or suit; I would
argue its occasions for wear are slightly more limited.
For these reasons, a navy-blue club-stripe tie is most practical tie you can
own. If you only own one tie, make it this one. Of course, few men are likely
to be in that position. This is a slightly pointless argument. But it amuses me
and, I hope, convinces some of the importance of both navy and club stripes in
a tie collection.
By the way, the English call it a club stripe because men wore it in the colours
of their club to denote membership. A club tie normally means one with crests
rather than stripes. In the US, these ties are normally known as repp ties.
This, however, does not refer to the stripe but to the diagonal ribbing (from
which repp is a corruption) of the silk.
All Comments

By Ingrid
at 2013-12-13T19:42
at 2013-12-13T19:42

By Zenobia
at 2013-12-16T23:59
at 2013-12-16T23:59

By Elizabeth
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By Andy
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at 2013-12-25T10:40
at 2013-12-25T10:40

By William
at 2013-12-28T01:02
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at 2013-12-31T20:24
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