舊版的神聖的分泌物(浪蕩唐璜)? - 香水

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2016-12-27T21:28

Table of Contents



It's True! There is a “Vintage” Secretions Magnifiques
by: Miguel Matos


If there was something that managed to disrupt radically the perfume industry
(besides the absurd IFRA restrictions) that thing was the launch of the
fragrance Secretions Magnifiques by French niche brand État Libre d'Orange,
setting the path of an iconoclastic line of surprising scents and concepts.
My goal with this article is not to speak about how I had to throw up my
lunch the first time I smelled it (ok I said it) or how it smells like blood
and sperm and sweat and other stinky human fluids. The concept of the
fragrance composed by perfumer Antoine Lie was to make an olfactory
translation of the insides of the human body when it is under a state of
extreme anxiety, panic or orgasm. “Eau de Adrenaline” could be the name for
it, but no, the crazy people at État Libre d'Orange decided not to spare us
with euphemisms. Even the communication shows a “penis fountain” in full

的人體分泌物。調香師Antoine Lie調製這款香稅的概念是為了用嗅覺去翻譯身體在極其

Most of the perfume aficionados already heard enough about Secretions
Magnifiques and the braver ones actually smelled it in agony (some in joy, go
figure). There is even a viral video of perfume critic and blogger Katie
Puckrik smelling it for the first time and getting a whole lot of disgusting
fun. So this scent is not new and if you search the net there are millions of
reviews. What not everyone knows is that there was a previous version to the
one that is on the market nowadays. Yes, my dear readers, I shall confirm the
rumour. It is absolutely true. When I interviewed Antoine Lie he told me that
Etienne de Swardt, owner of the brand, first intended to do a perfume based
on the smell of sperm.

是香水批評家與部落客Katie Puckrik第一次聞到這隻香之後被噁心的感覺逗得哈哈笑。
言。這是千真萬確。當我訪問Antoine Lie時,他告訴我說當時解放橘郡的老闆Etienne
de Swardt想要做一隻以精液的味道為底的香水:

“Basically this was the beginning of État Libre d'Orange, when I met the
owner, Etienne de Swardt. He wanted to make a statement about this industry,
he tried to be very provocative. It could be a dada piece from the 1920s.
It's a reaction from the very conceptualized and safe universe of fragrances.
For me it's not a fragrance per se. It's more an olfactive construction,
trying to push the limits to the point where we say that it's not possible to
go further than that. And the purpose was creating something that would
trigger a lot of conversation about why did we make this. And even though for
you it's horrible and you cannot wear it (it's ok, I understand), we've found
some people that are completely addicted to it. (…) I've made some
modifications on this before, when you had not the milk and it was more
sperm-like. It was horrible. And even the owner of Etat Libre d'Orange wanted
to have it instead of the one that is on the market now, I really pushed and
said I didn't want that. It's already very daring as it is. The other one
would be too much for me.”—Antoine Lie's interview

「我與老闆Etienne de Swardt見面時,基本上這是解放橘郡的起點。他想要在這個香水
本對我來說太超過了。」──摘自Antoine Lie的訪談

I have been thinking about what Antoine told me since then. Some months ago
my dear friend Barbara Herman, author of the Yesterday's Perfume blog, told
me she remembered smelling a different version of SM. However, nobody
believed her. Feeling more and more curious I asked Thomas Lindet, Etienne's
assistant if this was true. He confirmed the information. Yes, there was an
even nastier version of SM! Well, I had to go there again, even though I
feared having to smell that bloody craziness one more time. And here it is,
just arrived in the mail, cordially shipped by the friends at État Libre
d'Orange, the 2006 version of the most terrible smell on Earth. It is now
like a vintage, something for collectors and you can't find it for sale
anywhere. This bottle came from Etienne's warehouse, actually.

Antoine告訴我這件事之後我想了一段時間。幾月前,我的好友,Yesterday’s Perfume
blog的格主Barbara Herman告訴我她有印象聞過一個跟現在版本不一樣的神聖的分泌物。
但沒有人相信她。我越來越好奇,於是我問了Etienne的助理Thomas Lindet說這件事是不

Ok, you must be all thinking about the smell of it and that is the main
reason for this article after all. I had the courage to smell it again and
... surprise! I liked it better! It is less bloody and maybe more fresh. It
is less metallic and this metal bite was the worst thing for me in the
commercial version of the fragrance. The “vintage” Secretions Magnifiques
is obviously more focused on the sperm accord and it also lacks the milk
touch. At first I thought I could even try to wear it. But not really.
Minutes after spraying it I had to run to the bathroom to scrub it violently
or just cut my arm off if necessary. So yes, there was a previous version.
Yes, it was a tiny bit different but only in the first accords and then it
gets revolting as we know it. I still would prefer the first formula over the
current one, but all in all it is just a work of art not to be worn on the
skin. I admire the concept and I will keep the bottle and file it for future
reference. But, well, I had to try it, hadn't I?


Finally, I have some news regarding Secretions Magnifiques. The brand is
thinking of launching a “wearable” version of it. So maybe in the future
we'll see a flanker presented as a light secretion that we can smell without


Tags: 香水

All Comments

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2016-12-30T21:44
感謝翻譯 看到未來輕盈版還是覺得可怕XD
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2017-01-02T18:20
Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2017-01-04T05:28
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2017-01-04T08:58
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2017-01-04T17:07
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2017-01-07T01:20
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2017-01-09T21:44
其是就是一種看鬼片的概念 (怕又愛看呀XD)
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2017-01-11T10:36
不過我還是會好奇輕盈款 XD 這是逆向行銷吧!
Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2017-01-14T18:53
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2017-01-19T03:30
James avatar
By James
at 2017-01-21T23:15
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2017-01-23T14:09
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2017-01-27T06:46
好想買來偷噴討厭的人喔 沒人這樣想嗎
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2017-01-31T13:47
感覺可以當防狼噴霧XDD (超奢侈
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2017-02-03T23:46
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2017-02-08T17:26
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2017-02-13T03:58
不會想試 聞臭味的管道很多


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2016-12-26T10:55
非常非常喜歡冥府之路... 初聞到的時候整個打中 想尋找其他類似氣味的香水 不知道潘海有沒有類似的 或者其他品牌也可以 求神通廣大的板友們推薦~~~ 另外補充 AK的白麝香也是心頭好~但是第一名還是冥府啊.... 再補充一下 譚道也滿喜歡的不過在我身上最後會變成甜的氣味.. - ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2016-12-25T19:00
今天有機會到微風信義店試香, 櫃姐的親切跟專業果然名不虛傳, 可惜後來趕著回家沒去包一瓶~orz 現在有一個問題, 當時噴的香味是前味有果酸, 後來慢慢有涼涼、淡淡的茶香味, 櫃姐好像有說到跟海有關, 一瓶的定價7500~ 不知道有沒有版友知道這是哪一款? 感謝^^ - ...

emporio armani diamonds rocks哪裡買?

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2016-12-25T18:16
http://i.imgur.com/COGGJh1.jpg emporio armani diamonds rocks Emporio Armani阿瑪尼珍鑽酷藍男士香水 想請問這罐… 臺灣哪裡買的到… 實體,網路都可以… 謝謝 -- 別太在乎別人的評價 懂你的,不用解釋 不懂你的,不需要解釋 ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2016-12-25T00:31
圖文網誌版這裡走 https://goo.gl/eYHm8B ------- 在尋尋覓覓現磨咖啡豆香的路途上, 遇到3支還滿咖啡的味道, 向大家分享(嗯?該不會其實只有我對咖啡香有執念吧?!) 1.THYME(百里時光) 黑咖啡與肉桂 之前看香友分享才知道的對岸品牌 本來不是很想跳坑的(一個Re調香室已 ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2016-12-25T00:09
前陣子瀏覽香水版, 一直看到有不同香友提到浪蕩唐璜, 有人說他是一股情慾的味到, 有人說他有一股洨(?)味, 這簡直讓我好奇到快要花轟了 回頭看房間的眾香佳麗們, 覺得再買下去我的後宮就要滿出來了, 雖然很想購買唐璜來試看看他到底多浪蕩, 理智還是戰勝心中的惡魔… 所以我買了分裝香 (好 ...