如何從加拿大訂購Viberg - 休閒服飾

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2011-01-08T18:52

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Thank you for your inquiry, our stock # 87 shortshift pull on boots are $
390.00 and our # 68 pachena bay hikers are $ 415.00
感謝您來函賜教。我們的產品87號 Short-Shift 免繫帶靴子售价為$390(註,加幣),
而產品68號Pechena Bay越野靴售价為$415。

If he chooses a different color of standard black, brown there would be no
price difference,two tone boots are an extra $20.00, however if he chooses a
more costly leather price would run around $40.00. Different combination of
D rings, hooks on the hikers would not increase the cost, as well as shoe
laces or outsole. But more important would be the size, as any special make
up boots are non-returnable.

I would suggest tracing his feet and sending them in to us, and have him try
a stock size boot. The 87 are a E and EEE width,
the hikers are a D and E width. We can add a bit to the width of the hikers,
to make a EE width, which would also add $20.00.

He could go to George the Cobbler in Langley and see if they have anything in
his size to try, also to see if he would like
these boots.

We can mail or fax you a measuring chart, as they are working on our web site
and I don't think the chart is on there yet.
Or just trace his foot with the socks he would like to wear, using a soft
tape,measure around the ball (widest part of his foot),
around his instep (arch) and his heel to instep. Leg is not important unless
he has very large or small ankles, as both of the
boots are not high around his calf.

Hope I have not confused the issue for you, please e-mail back or call us
1-800-663-6388 with further inquiries.
Thanks again
Viberg Boot Mfg



有關量尺寸圖 可以GOOGLE的到




不然很容易被冠上外銷品 加價很多


如果貪便宜想要省錢 我覺得這人之常情



4.我沒有提供代購 你找我絕對沒用


All Comments

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2011-01-08T23:49
可以送到台灣嗎? 不知運費多少? 運費+稅好像就跟經銷商
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2011-01-12T15:46
看AC 學英文
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2011-01-14T22:33
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2011-01-17T14:11
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2011-01-17T17:38

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Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-01-07T22:52
圖文:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/ayuan15/25531723#comment1592077 一看到KURT po關於郵差包的文章就被吸引了 對於各種細節都很喜歡 還有期待他養出來的顏色 細節跟 ...

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Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-01-07T15:28
(恕刪) 借這標題問一下,我去年買了一件這個版本的N-3B 但是不知道是台灣的濕氣還是我的收納方式有問題, 我今年要再穿的時候感覺它似乎沒去年這麼 ...


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