好市多的SURF洗衣粉 - 好市多

By Todd Johnson
at 2009-10-01T20:21
at 2009-10-01T20:21
Table of Contents
※ 引述《musli (musli)》之銘言:
: 好市多賣的SURF洗衣粉,
: 請問有人有用過嗎,
: 想知道洗淨力,以及是否好沖洗,
: 最在意是否好沖洗。
: 因為有一些洗衣精跟洗衣粉,
: 要用洗清模式重複個兩次才能把泡泡沖乾淨。
: 如果有跟KIRKLAND洗衣精的心得比較就更好了。
: 查了網路上一些資料,只知道SURF系列的洗衣粉,
: 是ALL洗衣產品特地為重視氣味的家庭主婦研發的。
: 因為有些人把衣服從洗衣機拿出來,
: 不是用看的來判斷有沒有洗乾淨,而是用聞的。
: 這個賣點聽起來蠻令人認同的,
: 所以想要請問大家用過的意見,謝謝。
Surf is all about giving “Gorgeous Laundry for Less.” You get gorgeous
fragrances and a great clean for a surprisingly low price!
How it all started (描述產品的歷史故事 = =...這個品牌推出時間悠久)
Surf was introduced in 1952 by Crosfields of Warrington, a subsidiary company
of Lever Brothers. But before it went on sale, all company employees in
southeast England got the chance to try Surf for free. By the 1960s, 'Square
Deal Surf' became known as the value-for-money, high performance laundry
Always up to the minute with changes in washing habits, in the 70's Surf
launched Automatic, specially formulated for front-loading washers. By 1986
revolutionary enzymes for lower temperature/mixed colour wash loads had been
To celebrate its very own 'Golden Jubilee', Surf launched the hugely
successful '99 Stains' formula in 2002. Surf promises to remove 99 of the
most common stains or give your money back.
In 2007, loved for its great fragrances, Surf built on its fragrance platform
to include "Essential Oils". Each fragrance contains a blend of aromatherapy
oils, each with a different mood. The idea of essential oils works so well
because of the popularity in the aromatherapy trend. The majority of women in
the UK are aware of essential oils and associate them with fragrance, nature
and wellbeing.
2007 年開始加入媽媽們洗衣服最喜歡的香氣 (意思就是說不用熊寶貝也會很香是嗎?)
Did you know?
More households in the UK have bought Surf from a supermarket in the last
year than Coca-Cola drinks.
Surf not only brightens clothes, it brightens up young people's lives as
well. Surf donated funds to the Ogmore Children's Charitable Trust in Wales
for new furnishings and renovations.
‘Small & Mighty’ innovation
Surf ‘Small & Mighty’ shows that gorgeous things come in small packages. It
is a brand new concentrated liquid detergent crammed full of fantastic
fragrances. Each tiny cap releases the concentrated cleaning power you need
for an everyday wash, with a lingering fragrance that infuses your clothes
and lifts your senses.
There are also significant environmental savings with Small & Mighty,
including over 40% reduction in packaging and 60% reduction in water usage.
It is available in three variants: Surf Sunshine, Surf Tropical, Surf
Lavender & Oriental Blossom.
超濃縮的包裝,比原本包裝節省40%的包裝空間,且減少了原本要使用水量的 60%
Surf Essential Oils - indulge your washing
The entire Surf range now includes Essential Oils. New Surf infuses your
clothes with gorgeous fragrances and leaves them brilliantly clean. Each
fragrance contains a blend of aromatherapy oils, each with a different mood.
Sunshine adds some zing to your day with uplifting Orange and Lemon.
橘子 檸檬
Tropical is an exotic, revitalising mix of Ylang Ylang and Grapefruit.
依蘭(香水樹?) 葡萄柚
New Lavender and Oriental blossom is perfect when you need to unwind.
薰衣草 東方調的花 (好像也是香水或者是精油才有的形容詞)
大概是包含了這些味道 = =
Your clothes will be clean and fresh and you will be left feeling restored
and renewed. For information on Surf products call our customer careline free
on 0800 444200.
: 好市多賣的SURF洗衣粉,
: 請問有人有用過嗎,
: 想知道洗淨力,以及是否好沖洗,
: 最在意是否好沖洗。
: 因為有一些洗衣精跟洗衣粉,
: 要用洗清模式重複個兩次才能把泡泡沖乾淨。
: 如果有跟KIRKLAND洗衣精的心得比較就更好了。
: 查了網路上一些資料,只知道SURF系列的洗衣粉,
: 是ALL洗衣產品特地為重視氣味的家庭主婦研發的。
: 因為有些人把衣服從洗衣機拿出來,
: 不是用看的來判斷有沒有洗乾淨,而是用聞的。
: 這個賣點聽起來蠻令人認同的,
: 所以想要請問大家用過的意見,謝謝。
Surf is all about giving “Gorgeous Laundry for Less.” You get gorgeous
fragrances and a great clean for a surprisingly low price!
How it all started (描述產品的歷史故事 = =...這個品牌推出時間悠久)
Surf was introduced in 1952 by Crosfields of Warrington, a subsidiary company
of Lever Brothers. But before it went on sale, all company employees in
southeast England got the chance to try Surf for free. By the 1960s, 'Square
Deal Surf' became known as the value-for-money, high performance laundry
Always up to the minute with changes in washing habits, in the 70's Surf
launched Automatic, specially formulated for front-loading washers. By 1986
revolutionary enzymes for lower temperature/mixed colour wash loads had been
To celebrate its very own 'Golden Jubilee', Surf launched the hugely
successful '99 Stains' formula in 2002. Surf promises to remove 99 of the
most common stains or give your money back.
In 2007, loved for its great fragrances, Surf built on its fragrance platform
to include "Essential Oils". Each fragrance contains a blend of aromatherapy
oils, each with a different mood. The idea of essential oils works so well
because of the popularity in the aromatherapy trend. The majority of women in
the UK are aware of essential oils and associate them with fragrance, nature
and wellbeing.
2007 年開始加入媽媽們洗衣服最喜歡的香氣 (意思就是說不用熊寶貝也會很香是嗎?)
Did you know?
More households in the UK have bought Surf from a supermarket in the last
year than Coca-Cola drinks.
Surf not only brightens clothes, it brightens up young people's lives as
well. Surf donated funds to the Ogmore Children's Charitable Trust in Wales
for new furnishings and renovations.
‘Small & Mighty’ innovation
Surf ‘Small & Mighty’ shows that gorgeous things come in small packages. It
is a brand new concentrated liquid detergent crammed full of fantastic
fragrances. Each tiny cap releases the concentrated cleaning power you need
for an everyday wash, with a lingering fragrance that infuses your clothes
and lifts your senses.
There are also significant environmental savings with Small & Mighty,
including over 40% reduction in packaging and 60% reduction in water usage.
It is available in three variants: Surf Sunshine, Surf Tropical, Surf
Lavender & Oriental Blossom.
超濃縮的包裝,比原本包裝節省40%的包裝空間,且減少了原本要使用水量的 60%
Surf Essential Oils - indulge your washing
The entire Surf range now includes Essential Oils. New Surf infuses your
clothes with gorgeous fragrances and leaves them brilliantly clean. Each
fragrance contains a blend of aromatherapy oils, each with a different mood.
Sunshine adds some zing to your day with uplifting Orange and Lemon.
橘子 檸檬
Tropical is an exotic, revitalising mix of Ylang Ylang and Grapefruit.
依蘭(香水樹?) 葡萄柚
New Lavender and Oriental blossom is perfect when you need to unwind.
薰衣草 東方調的花 (好像也是香水或者是精油才有的形容詞)
大概是包含了這些味道 = =
Your clothes will be clean and fresh and you will be left feeling restored
and renewed. For information on Surf products call our customer careline free
on 0800 444200.
推 jj302:很逗趣的翻譯XD 我也想知道好不好用說! 10/01 22:25
推 majolicass:我有買 我媽說還不錯XD (媽你沒給我錢T_T) 10/01 23:40
推 TeamSleep:想買 隔著盒子聞就超香.. 10/02 00:55
※ 編輯: andypan 來自: (10/02 00:59) 推 cutemiko:我也買了!很期待它的清洗力比汰漬強!!! 10/08 12:49
All Comments

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at 2009-10-06T08:05
at 2009-10-06T08:05

By William
at 2009-10-08T17:57
at 2009-10-08T17:57

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at 2009-10-09T22:44
at 2009-10-09T22:44

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at 2009-10-13T14:35
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