回應版友FAQ-HK space outlet ^+++^ - CK

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2007-08-30T12:11

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特此回應板友FAQ: >///<

: Thanks for your information.
: I will be in HK around end of September,
: do you think are there any discounts remaining in normal shops?
: And how is the outlet of PRADA/MIUMIU/IT?
: What's the regular discount? And how are clothes/shoes there?
: Worthy to visit?
: Thanks.

Well, in the ordinary shop,

i guess there won't be any discount around

but in Space(Prada/miumiu) outlet,

Prada 06AW items: 40-50% off
seasons before: 60% off
seasons before: 60% off
a few items: 70-80% off

Prada sport: all on 50% off

they carry lots of mens shoes but only in extremely

large or small sizes such as UK7(EU41), UK10(EU44)

You can find something your size if you are lucky

They also carry lots of shirts/jackets/Tees/knits/
swimmers/mini-carries(i.e.Prada robot)/luggage cases
Brief cases/messenger bags

most of them are 60% off :)

To me the space outlet is definitly worthy of visiting

but not every time i can find something that fits me

(please refer to my blog...you'll see...)

IT outlet is somewhere i shouldn't but i still missed

last time and i heard from one of my friend just

coming back from, that they do carrt good CDG/MM items on 60-70% off

i strongly recommand you going up to Joyce warehouse(JW)

if you are such a fashion-victim or shopholic just like me

JW can bring you such good memories!!

P.S.1: Never forget the Lancrawford/Maxmara outlets

upstairs to the JW

P.S.2:take something home to please your girl before

she gets mad on you for spending that

much $$$$$.....Orz

P.S.3.:The most important thing is P.S.2



2007 July 香港購物節失血
終極完成版 ^+++++^

Tags: CK

All Comments

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2007-09-02T07:00
Shoes UK7!? yahoooooooooooooo~~~~~~~~~!!!!
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2007-09-04T08:48
hahahaha.....definitely yours!!! >///<
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2007-09-06T13:03
10號呀 好棒>"<
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2007-09-06T16:53
為什麼都是你們的size!!!!!!Prada car shoes多款幾乎都
是UK7...另外Space亦陳列John Lobb品牌鞋款 ^^
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2007-09-08T18:37
John Lobb~~~ <0< Gosh~U make me crazy!!!
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2007-09-13T05:03
來人啊.把w8r拖出去!!..剁手指!!跟seraph0122一起!! ^O^
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2007-09-13T21:10
John Lobb的也是都打5折嗎? 打下來的價位大概在那??
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2007-09-17T00:34
J.L.打四折-六折...四折最多唷!! ^O^

Kate Moss再次代言Roberto Cavalli

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2007-08-28T19:12
http://www.styleblog.com.tw/style_f/article.aspx?name=sphinxasiaandamp;no=4959 連過去看看吧! -- Fuck Me Bad Once, Shame On You! Fuck Me Bad Twice, Shame On Me! --

近期有人去過義大利Gucci Outlet

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2007-08-28T00:58
※ 引述《Blackmilk (★英國Master不是人念的)》之銘言: : 請問最近有沒有版大去過佛羅倫斯附近的Gucci.prada outlet? : 最近突然很想衝去..從英國過去 : 可是� ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2007-08-24T08:17
我很喜歡1408這部電影裡主角John Cusack所背的旅行包 不知道有沒有版友知道這個包包是什麼牌子、型號呢?? 附上截圖 (有四張): http://www.pixnet.net/photo/chong5 ...

近期有人去過義大利Gucci Outlet

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2007-08-23T06:45
The mall的Gucci outlet小弟去年和今年夏天都有去 個人認為相當不值得去 東西是哪一季的我並不清楚 不過包包配件類大部份的花色並非經典花色 有些男鞋� ...

近期有人去過義大利Gucci Outlet

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2007-08-22T23:56
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