名單募集 - 品牌

By Agnes
at 2007-06-16T20:36
at 2007-06-16T20:36
Table of Contents
★ID: Garibay
★暱稱: Ryo
★性別: 2/3 Boy, 1/3 Girl
★板齡:(從何年何月開始看BRAND) 2004
★職業/領域: 學生/語言學
★所在地區: 台北/台中
★興趣/嗜好: 看男模們 & all the beautful boys on the street,順便花痴/
注意D&G、Miu Miu的Boys' Item/台北市公車、捷運/Remixes/Bimmer
Where have all the beautiful boys gone?
I'm going wherever you go.
PS: Miu Miu男裝回來吧!我好想你!
They can try to make me write a thousand lies
But that won’t ever change the way I feel inside
They’ve got their opinions but I just don’t care
Cause that’s not what I wanna hear
★暱稱: Ryo
★性別: 2/3 Boy, 1/3 Girl
★板齡:(從何年何月開始看BRAND) 2004
★職業/領域: 學生/語言學
★所在地區: 台北/台中
★興趣/嗜好: 看男模們 & all the beautful boys on the street,順便花痴/
注意D&G、Miu Miu的Boys' Item/台北市公車、捷運/Remixes/Bimmer
Where have all the beautiful boys gone?
I'm going wherever you go.
PS: Miu Miu男裝回來吧!我好想你!
They can try to make me write a thousand lies
But that won’t ever change the way I feel inside
They’ve got their opinions but I just don’t care
Cause that’s not what I wanna hear
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