"反"推薦LG的洗脫烘 ! - 家電

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2006-02-01T03:03

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在這裡再次提醒各位即將交屋的板友, "千萬別買LG的
滾筒式洗脫烘三合一, 任何model都是(10,12,14KG)".

LG 廣告作假, 烘衣服永遠烘不乾, 寫信、打電話, 無人敢回應處理.


Please pass below message to your leader (Chairman) of LG Taiwan.
Hi there, Due to the need to save my daily time, I was deciding
to buy LG's TROMM all-in-one model, which is equipped with the
dryer function. In LG's promotion and advertisement, you also
promote the dryer function very hard. However, after I buy the
model. I found the dryer function cannot really dry my clothes.
it is just to heat the wet clothes. no matter how long time and
which mode I tried and tried, the clothes are still keeping wet.
The support people also visited my home try to fix it, or try
to check if it is necessary to change the power module. But finaly
they found there is no problem in my new machine. I think you
are claiming the incorrect spec which you cannot fulfill.
I think it is not an honest way to sell the product. First,
I give high score to your sales and support people, their
attitude is good. However, your product developing team,
includes R&D, QA, and even product manager (PM) who is in charge
of this product. You are NOT very honest handling and promoting
this product. You are delivering the product with only "half"
of the claimed spec to us end customers. And one thing is strange,
when I checked with several LG store, the sales person even don't
know if the TROMM can really dry the clothes when I complain these
problem to them. I believe you didn't give them a well training,
or say you don't have honest training. Compare with the purely
"washing machine", this model at least cost me extra 30
thousand NT dollars for a fake function, which is only a
half one. I don't think it is a very good way to sell your product.
I think I will lose my faith for Korean product again.
Please Do NOT send the support people to my home again,
I have wasted my time before. I want to return the product
to you. Or do you have better suggestion? I'm not the type
of person who will say something bad on the blog or some forum.
However, I think you should be more responsible for this kind of
mistake in my point of view. At least at this moment,
I will not recommend your product to everyone I know. Regards,

Tags: 家電

All Comments

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2006-02-02T22:37
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2006-02-06T23:25
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2006-02-07T23:25
那設計上就應該清楚標示才是 把烘乾的程度分為兩種模式!!
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2006-02-10T22:51
反正韓貨一直都不推薦 金玉其外 敗絮其中 =>個人的感覺!!
Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2006-02-12T02:15
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2006-02-16T14:05
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2006-02-18T09:04
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2006-02-21T05:53
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2006-02-24T17:59
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2006-02-27T19:31
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2006-03-01T01:17
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2006-03-04T13:10
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2006-03-07T08:55
Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2006-03-09T11:30
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2006-03-12T22:37


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2006-01-31T16:38
1.http://tw.f2.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/show/qanda?aID=b24698238 2.http://tw.f4.page.bid.yahoo.com/tw/auction/d16840739?rr=192078053 3.http://tw.f4.page.bid.y ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2006-01-24T20:00
※ 引述《kikika (小白兔)》之銘言: : 你好 : 請問台燈真有必要買到2000多的嗎? : 想問看看歐司朗OSRAM 【茵格斯達防眩光】系列 : 的檯燈怎樣? : 想說有沒有1500左右的 : 3M的都破2千多 : 謝謝 防炫光其實不論各家都是一樣的做法 就是一般的檯燈上面加一層 格子狀的銀色 ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2006-01-24T12:05
品牌:twinbird 品名/型號:有觸控開關and#39;負離子裝置的白色檯燈(抱歉不知道型號在哪裡) 何處購買/價位:燦坤/特價後近三千元 使用多久:近一年 心得(須為100字以上唷): 當初有筆閒錢就牙一咬的買下這個昂貴而美麗的檯 ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2006-01-24T11:49
想買一台給辛苦的娘 爬過文只有一篇談到這個掃地機器人 所以再來問一下... 請問掃得乾淨嗎?(板上po文說不夠乾淨,mobile01又說不錯...) 坊間很多機型,有沒有建議的品牌或機種? 謝謝電器達人回覆了 - ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2006-01-24T00:49
過年到了 我想買電暖氣給外婆當新年禮物 我外婆身體不太好很怕冷 平常他都在床上休息(聽說已有電毯) 但是我娘擔心他在幫外婆洗澡時 外婆不小心會受涼感冒 所以想買一台電暖器給他 讓他洗澡時可使用 ...