united states inspection service - 海外購物

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2009-11-23T02:14

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剛剛收到一封來自united states inspection service的e-mail

信裡提到我有一個包裹被他們扣住了 由DHL寄送

因為裡面是ATM卡?! 這個ATM卡是從spain寄來的?!

他也給我了寄件者的姓名和e-mail 要我聯絡他



可是我從沒有跟這個人有交易 況且是從spain來的~"~

這應該是詐騙嗎? 這是他提供的資料

United States Postal Inspection Service,
P.O. box 555, new York NY 10116-0555
Email: [email protected]

上去查了一下 也沒有看到一樣的e-mail

剛剛打電話去inspection service 今天是禮拜天 所以關門了orz

想問問有沒有有同樣經驗的大大 可以幫忙解答呢?



This is to notify you that we have intercepted your parcel from DHL courier
service, they where delivering your package when we stopped it for security
reasons stated below:

1. Our scanning system has detected that your parcel contains a confirmable
ATM card to the tune of $1,500,000.00 dollars. 2. Such ATM card coming from
Europe, African or Asia is been verified by the postal inspection service to
ascertain its authenticity. after all the verification on the parcel/ATM
card, having contacted the issuing institution who made it known to our
office that the ATM card is a genuine one and not illegally acquired. We have
also forwarded the serial number of the ATM card to the Treasury department
and they confirmed that the card is Authentic and ready to be cashed at any
ATM machines.

To continue with the delivery of this parcel you are in oblige to obtain from
Spain, a duly sworn affidavit from Spanish High court which will back up the
origin of Fund. This is in line with the Anti-Terrorist campaign which the
USA government has embarked on recently to protect territories from future
attacks, you should therefore contact the sender of the ATM card or the DHL
courier agent in Madrid Spain to get the sworn affidavit for you while we
wait to receive from you the affidavit file number to enable us forward your
ATM card to your address. Below is his contact information. Note that the
cost of the affidavit is 89 Euros and do not hesitate to remit the amount to

Name: Dr. Frank Pablo Sanchez Email: [email protected]

We shall then forward the ATM card to you and you will be sure of a genuine
ATM card that is coming to you. We are doing this for your interest
considering the rate which fraudulent and stolen cheques and ATM card are
been sent to our innocent citizen that most times put them in problem.

麻煩各位了 m(_ _)m

很怕放著不理的話 會有其他問題發生>"<


ps. 剛剛有寫信去給這個dr.






All Comments

Una avatar
By Una
at 2009-11-25T21:50
看了你描述的前幾句, 就覺得是詐騙. 不過還是很好奇
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2009-11-29T09:01
的看了信內容...為了89Euro 就寫這長篇大論
詐騙生意也不好做啊 :P
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2009-11-30T16:08
這是詐騙好嗎~ 你光看他email 還用gmail 就知道 = ="
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2009-12-04T17:54
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2009-12-08T20:25
那個gmail是寄出者的信箱 不是usps的 剛剛gmail
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2009-12-13T05:11
還回信了呢@@" 既然是詐騙我就安心了^^" 謝謝你們喔~
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2009-12-14T04:38
太明顯了啦~ 最好還能查到戶頭有多少錢~ =.="

很無力的a&f清倉問題...(火狐 無界均有問題)

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2009-11-22T22:12
1.火狐 目前是用3.5版本 所以之前工具是無法使用的 2.無界 很無言 通常開了之後IE會一起開 然後就可以看 現在是開了之後 是顯示連線成功 但IE無動於衷 手動 開啟也無法看 有確定無界裡是用IE開啟 目前是用0.96版 有人可以救救我嗎 我知道把火狐退回舊版本是好主意 ...


John avatar
By John
at 2009-11-22T15:56
還有在運作嘛? 很久以前買過 他們信也不太回的^^and#34; 點上方Customer Service 會跳到另個視窗 看資料2007/9就沒更新了 所以請教各位~ 因為送到台灣運費 14元 還ok 或可推薦類似可寄台灣網站뤊想買便宜的·Vaseline Lip Therapy Petroleum Jell ...

USPS 國際寄送

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2009-11-22T03:04
請問一下我再EBAY上買了一個東西 賣家拖了6天才把東西寄出來 然後我問他有沒有tracking 他說沒有 但是東西抵達我這邊後他會有一個 delievery confirmation first class intl mail 有可以買這個 delievery confirmation嗎? 還有為 ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2009-11-21T23:42
以前都是請別人帶,或者是找代買, 這次想要自己買看看,直接從 Amazon 或 Bandamp;N 網頁上買, 想請問一下,買CD會被課到稅嗎? (算一算大約會買 USD $300 左右) 麻煩有經驗的板友指教一下,謝謝~ - ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2009-11-20T23:32
我hollister短t穿m號,hoodie穿m號 那假如我要買ae的短t還有hoodie要穿幾號比較好? ps.我是女生喔! - ...