Revolve認證? - 海外購物

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2010-08-14T22:26

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今天下午下好了訂單,剛剛收到Revolve寄來一封主旨是Your order is on hold

I'm very sorry, but before we can proceed with your latest orders we need to
verify that the cardholder authorized this purchase, with the following
security procedure. Please be assured that we will hold your items for you in
the meantime.

1) We place two tiny refunds to your card of random amounts less than $1 USD,
but we do not tell you the amounts. (We have already done this)
2) You call your credit card company or access your account online to
determine the refund amounts, and then correctly report the amounts back to
us.When you report the amount correctly, it proves to us that it is you using
your card, not somebody else (how else would you know the amounts?). We chose
this process because it seemed like the least inconvenient method to verify
your identity. Please note that some financial institutions take longer to
reflect refunds to your account than charges.
Typically, the refunds will post some time between 0 and 3 days after this
message, depending on your financial institution. After you have reported the
amounts, we will ship your order the same day.

We understand that you may not have encountered a procedure such as this
shopping online before, so we will attempt to explain below.

The reason for this procedure is to verify that it is you who are using your
card, and it is not someone who has simply stolen your card number.
Unfortunately, over the internet it is impossible to verify who is using the
credit card without additional security measures. It is also very easy to
steal a credit card number. Think about every time you hand your card to a
waiter at a restaurant, or a clerk at a retail store. Every time you do this,
it is an opportunity for your credit card number to be stolen. Obviously they
cannot shop at a retail store with only the number, but it is very easy for
them to shop online.

We appreciate your patience and understanding, and we sincerely apologize for
the inconvenience. If you have any questions regarding this procedure, please
let me know. We place the highest value on our service, and are terribly sorry
to inconvenience you with this request.

Thank you,






All Comments

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2010-08-17T18:28
剛剛收到詢問折扣的回信了,我買的牌子沒有折扣 >"<
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2010-08-22T08:05
三天內有兩筆小額不到一美元的退款 確認金額後回報
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2010-08-24T09:42
是刷台灣卡嗎? 用美國卡在美國網站似乎沒有這個問題
Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2010-08-27T11:07
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2010-08-29T03:16
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-08-29T06:56
Revolove Clothing退款當然是用美元為單位,回報台幣
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2010-08-30T13:26
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2010-09-01T18:02
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2010-09-05T20:13
美國網站的人員 當然是以美元在思考的吧
Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2010-09-10T01:14
Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2010-09-12T03:34
不過我自己換算成美金回報啦,希望沒問題一切順利 ^^


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2010-08-14T14:36
我之前在gmarket刷卡都是用華南的visa金融卡消費 然後也都沒有問題 可是這一次要刷的時候 就一直出現被拒絕 而且我今天去看賬戶餘額 是夠的呀,所以我打去客服問 他說有刷卡記錄可是沒有成功 有可能是對方連線有問題 想問大家有碰過這種狀況嘛 我是刷完傳送的時候出現警告框上面寫著: An error has ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2010-08-14T04:38
前陣子 在網路買了2雙NIKE球鞋 對方給了2個掛號號碼(royal mail ) 一個有顯示運送至台灣 一個沒有顯示 不過這是在royal mail 系統上所顯示 將號碼放在台灣郵政系統 2個號碼都說查無資料 另外再撥電話給郵局人員 也同樣說沒有資料 目前已向 paypal 申請賠償 但 ...


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2010-08-13T13:15
第一次來大陸,時間有點緊迫,來不及做功課, 之前有在香港和日本買過ZARA、Handamp;M、UNIQLO等, 想請問在大陸買會不會貴到?? 如果有比較貴,大概是多少比例(%)呢?? 先謝謝喔~ 預計去蘇州那邊採買...^^a - ...


Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2010-08-12T18:23
我托義大利代買寄一個 2.5kg,大小70X40X25的包裹到台灣 他說最便宜的是UPS 3~5天到 要價190歐 請問有人知道更便宜的寄送方式嗎(但不要寄丟) 感恩~!! - ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2010-08-12T11:58
這幾天收到中信的問卷 簡言之 就是中信準備要推出銀聯卡 在做一些市場調查 未來在中國網購應該會更方便 話說之前用支付寶 唯一沒問題的也是中信卡 看來中信跟中國的關係還不錯 -- 2010 (CC)(BY)(NC)(ND)jdkcupid. 保留部分權利. MattatJDK http://w ...