Prada Infusion系列2010新作 - 香水

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-02-17T00:29

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Prada Infusion de Tubereuse and Infusion de Vetiver (2010) {New Perfumes}

Following Infusion d'Iris, Infusion d'Homme and Infusion de Fleur d'Oranger,
Prada will launch a her-and-his duo called Infusion de Tubéreuse (Tuberose
Infusion) and Infusion de Vétiver (Vetiver Infusion). The perfumes in this
line usually reveal a retro touch and are elegant showcasing both a fresh and
carnal eau de cologne signature re-thought by perfumer Daniela Andrier.

A stylistic continuity can be seen in the packaging which becomes even more
decorated. Prada Infusion de Fleur d'Oranger was recently featured in an
exhibition at the Musée d'Orsay in Paris which appreciated the homage the
design of the perfume pays to the Art Nouveau period...

Infusion de Tubéreuse has notes of Indian tuberose, petitgrain bigarade,
blood orange and dynamone.

Dynamone is the name of an aromachemical with an ambery character derived
from cistus ladaniferus. It is reputed for its great diffusive power and its
persistence although it is also acknowledged as being a tricky material to
use in perfumery.

Infusion de Vetiver includes notes of tarragon, vetiver, Madagascan pepper
and purple ginger.

The women's scent is priced from €67 for 50ml and the men's scent from €53
for 50ml.


文中說infusion de fleur d'orange是呈現新藝術風格

Tags: 香水

All Comments

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2010-02-18T09:39
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2010-02-21T15:50

ricingwave AQUA SAPPHIRE 2

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2010-02-16T13:05
昨天去香水店裡 一進去第一個目標是 still, 但小姐堅持說 still 沒有試聞的 atat (翻遍了精華區和板上評價, 想要試試這種 有氣質+年輕的茶香) 小姐拿了好幾款給我聞, 到最後鼻子都花了 atat 沒有 and#34;the oneand#34;的感覺 ***** 我目前25.5歲了 ...

Alain Delon 男香

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2010-02-16T01:56
Alain Delon 有兩罐男香都是男武者 可是一罐寫Alain Delon Samourai Eau de Toilette Spray 亞蘭德倫男武者香水 另一罐是Alain Delon Samourai 47 男武者 一樣都是男武者 那味道差在哪? - ...

Escada Lily Chic 海芋女性淡香水

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2010-02-15T16:49
網誌有圖也有些雜亂的話,建議閱讀BBS。 Escada Lily Chic 海芋女性淡香水 (2000) ★☆ 香調︰花果香調。 前味︰青蘋果、洋梨。 中味︰鈴蘭、海 ...


David avatar
By David
at 2010-02-15T16:04
最近想送朋友香水當禮物 22歲男生大學生 獅子座 個性外向 會花心思在穿著上 冬天通常穿襯衫,針織衫那類的配camper或martens的靴子 平常是噴蟒蛇 想問一下送什麼香水比較適合 謝謝 - ...

Abercrombie Fierce

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2010-02-15T14:49
之前在Aandamp;F 買的衣服聞起來超香的 一整個愛不釋手 所以就跑去ebay上買了fierce這瓶 價格明顯親民許多 現在出門前都會在胸前噴個大概2~3下 味道真的讓人很舒服 可是~~並沒有像Aandamp;F衣服上的香味那麼持久 之前在Aandamp;F買的兩條牛仔褲~~ 沒洗之前都 ...