Paypal Premium帳號被限制 - 海外購物

By Anthony
at 2009-12-22T03:53
at 2009-12-22T03:53
Table of Contents
最近Christmas訂單多,生意比較好 結果就被Paypal釘上了...
我都正常出貨,也沒收到dispute/claim 可是星期六就收到這樣的信:
As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the
PayPal system. During a recent screening, we noticed an issue regarding
your account.
A recent review of your account detected suspicious activity regarding the
receipt or withdrawal of funds. While we investigate this matter, access to
your account is limited.
進到Help Center, 它要我提供幾個東西:
1. Social Security Number
2. Proof of Business Existence
3. Vendor/Supplier Information
4. Business Documentation
5. Fax information about your business
-- 滑鼠移上去出現"Please send us screenshots or itemized list of products
you sell and countries you sell to" 但點選resolve功能後 卻出現:
"Provide a copy of your business license."
有沒有人賣東西賣到發生這種狀況? 我不知道該怎麼處理比較好
因為我沒有business license, 可是paypal系統又說只有當我所有文件都上傳後才會
review 我的case = =
在第五項,我試著亂上傳照片上去,然後種類選"business documentation"
可是傳完後狀態還是顯示"Waiting for your response"而非In Progress
而且 因為我亂上傳照片做測試,而 paypal限制全部上傳文件只能不到4MB 而且還不能刪
結果我現在完全不能上傳檔案 只能用傳真 但,我也試過傳真了 傳過去Paypal沒收到
有沒有大大能回答我的問題呢? 非常感謝
我都正常出貨,也沒收到dispute/claim 可是星期六就收到這樣的信:
As part of our security measures, we regularly screen activity in the
PayPal system. During a recent screening, we noticed an issue regarding
your account.
A recent review of your account detected suspicious activity regarding the
receipt or withdrawal of funds. While we investigate this matter, access to
your account is limited.
進到Help Center, 它要我提供幾個東西:
1. Social Security Number
2. Proof of Business Existence
3. Vendor/Supplier Information
4. Business Documentation
5. Fax information about your business
-- 滑鼠移上去出現"Please send us screenshots or itemized list of products
you sell and countries you sell to" 但點選resolve功能後 卻出現:
"Provide a copy of your business license."
有沒有人賣東西賣到發生這種狀況? 我不知道該怎麼處理比較好
因為我沒有business license, 可是paypal系統又說只有當我所有文件都上傳後才會
review 我的case = =
在第五項,我試著亂上傳照片上去,然後種類選"business documentation"
可是傳完後狀態還是顯示"Waiting for your response"而非In Progress
而且 因為我亂上傳照片做測試,而 paypal限制全部上傳文件只能不到4MB 而且還不能刪
結果我現在完全不能上傳檔案 只能用傳真 但,我也試過傳真了 傳過去Paypal沒收到
有沒有大大能回答我的問題呢? 非常感謝
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