Ebay帳戶被凍結不能上訴, 可否要求刪除? - 海外購物

By Anonymous
at 2013-01-22T22:29
at 2013-01-22T22:29
Table of Contents
Ebay帳戶很久沒用, 被凍結了(還不能上訴Q_Q)。
寫信給客服, 他們的回覆如下:
Thank you for contacting eBay.
Your account was suspended because it exhibits a risk to eBay and to its
community. As eBay is an internet-based business, and its members are our
customers, we have to carefully weigh the risks involved with allowing users
on our site. From time to time, we find accounts which have a risk that no
longer justifies a continuing relationship with eBay. When that happens we
suspend these accounts and they are no longer able to be used for buying or
We have determined that it is in our mutual best interest to part ways. We
regret any frustration or inconvenience this matter may cause you.
For your account there is no appeal for this decision. From this point
forward, in order to conduct business on the internet, you will have to find
a different venue.
想請問這樣的情形, 是否可以要求ebay將此帳號刪去
總覺得一個不能用的東西還要把我的資料留著, 有點!@#$!%^
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