COSTCO GLAD密封保鮮膜+問題 - costco

By Rachel
at 2011-01-22T01:16
at 2011-01-22T01:16
Table of Contents
原文恕刪, 因家中也有使用, 所以查了一下 GLAD 官網的說明
以下幾點為 Q&A 介紹的運用特性, 成份說明與健康風險
(中文為簡短翻譯 如有誤請提出~ 謝謝 ^^)
Q: What is GLAD Press'n Seal® sealable wrap? And how is it different from
other plastic wraps?
A: GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap is a whole new, versatile food storage wrap that
combines many benefits of today's wraps, foils, and food storage bags and
containers. It goes where no wrap has ever been. While other wraps cling,
GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap actually seals to surfaces including plastic,
paper, wood,metal, Styrofoam® containers and glass. It's the first
sealableplastic wrap.
GLAD Press’n Seal® wrap能黏著於各種物質表面,如塑膠、紙類、木頭、金屬等。
Q: How does GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap help prevent freezer burn?
A: Freezer burn occurs when food loses its moisture to surrounding air.
When air reaches the surface of food, it dries it out. GLAD Press'n Seal®
wrap help seal out cold freezer air to protect against freezer burn.
使用GLAD Press’n Seal® wrap能預防食品冷藏造成的脫水現象與表面乾燥硬化情況。
Q: What gives GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap its sealing qualities?
It uses Griptex®, a proprietary gripping technology. Think of the textured
surface of GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap as having thousands of tiny hills and
valleys. Only when you apply pressure do the valleys seal to the desired
A: The sealing actually works with the help of the primary ingredients
typically found in chewing gum — an old idea now applied to wrap! These
ingredients have been approved by the FDA for over thirty-five years and
are frequently used for labels found on fruits and vegetables. Griptex®
technology allows GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap to seal to plastic, paper,
Styrofoam®containers, metal, wood and many other surfaces.
GLAD Press’n Seal® wrap 之所以具有如此良好的黏性是由於採用了Griptex®的
於物體表面。這項技術早在三十五年前就已被 FDA 核准使用於蔬果的標識。
Q: Does GLAD Press'n Seal® contain phthalates or BPA (Bisphenol A)?
A: NO. Glad food containers, wraps, and storage bags and other food contact
products are not made of phthalates or polycarbonate. Nor is Bisphenol A
(BPA)used as a raw material in their production.
GLAD Press’n Seal® wrap並未使用鄰苯二甲酸酯 (phthalates) 與酚甲烷 (BPA)
* 鄰苯二甲酸酯: 塑膠工業中常用塑化劑
* BPA: 聚丙烯塑膠防碎功能
* 文末有其他單位檢測的說明
Q: What happens to the seal? Does it remain on the food?
A: The sealing actually works with the help of the primary ingredients
typically found in chewing gum — an old idea now applied to wrap! These
ingredients have been approved by the FDA for over thirty-five years and
are frequently used for labels found on fruits and vegetables. According
to the FDA, small amounts of such ingredients in food do not pose any
health risk.
根據FDA的標準,GLAD Press’n Seal® wrap所殘留於食物上的成分對健康尚未發
Q: In the past, there has been concern about particles from the plastics
migrating to food when heated for cooking. Can this migration happen with
GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap? If so, isn't it harmful?
A: The concern over heating plastics and migration stems from the use of
chemical additives (known as plasticizers) in plastics made of polyvinyl
chloride (PVC). GLAD does not use any PVC plastics in its products.
GLAD wraps are safe to use in the microwave.
由於GLAD Press’n Seal® wrap並未使用PVC成分,因此加熱或烹調後並不會釋出有
Q: Can GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap be recycled?
A: Like other plastic wraps, GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap is not recyclable.
GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap並不適合回收。
網站 ( 抽測坊間30種塑膠容器與保鮮膜是否含有
鄰苯二甲酸酯 (phthalates) 與 酚甲烷 (BPA),且是否會經由加熱或烹調將有
抽測結果發現有27項商品並不含有鄰苯二甲酸酯 (phthalates) 與酚甲烷 (BPA),
然而卻有三項商品含有低含量的鄰苯二甲酸酯 (phthalates) 與酚甲烷 (BPA),
而GLAD Press'nSeal® wrap 即為其中一項,但幸運的是經由食物加熱微波檢測後,
未檢測出之詳細清單如下:Tupperware CrystalWave container,
Tupperware CrystalWave lid, Tupperware Rock 'N Serve container,
Tupperware Rock'N Serve lid, Rubbermaid EasyFind Lids lid,
Rubbermaid Premier lid, Glad SimplyCooking Microwave Steaming Bags,
Ziploc Brand Zip 'n Steam Microwave Steam Cooking Bags,
GladWare Containers with Interlocking Lids container,
GladWare Containers with Interlocking Lids lid,
Ziploc Brand Containers with Snap 'N Seal Lids container,
Ziploc Brand Containers with Snap 'N Seal Lids lid,
Webster Industries Good Sense storage container,
Webster Industries Good Sense storage container lid,
United Plastics 21 oz Bowl, Saran Premium wrap,
Saran Cling Plus Clear Plastic Wrap, Glad Cling Wrap Clear Plastic Wrap,
Reynolds Clear Seal-Tight Plastic Wrap,
Ziploc Brand Storage Bags with Double Zipper,
Ziploc Brand Freezer Bags with Double Zipper,
Glad Freezer Storage Bags, Reynolds SlowCooker Liners,
Kid Cuisine All Star Chicken Breast Nuggets container,
Kid Cuisine All Star Chicken Breast Nuggets film cover,
Stouffer's frozen Homestyle Classics Lasagna with Meat & Sauce tray,
Stouffer's frozen Homestyle Classics Lasagna with Meat & Sauce film covering
檢測出低含量之三項商品為 Rubbermaid EasyFind Lids container,
Rubbermaid Premier container, Glad Press'n Seal Multipurpose Sealing Wrap
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.‧.˙. ..˙ .˙ .‧.˙ .‧.˙ .‧.˙ .‧.˙ .‧.˙ .‧
Rufiw 魯夫
以下幾點為 Q&A 介紹的運用特性, 成份說明與健康風險
(中文為簡短翻譯 如有誤請提出~ 謝謝 ^^)
Q: What is GLAD Press'n Seal® sealable wrap? And how is it different from
other plastic wraps?
A: GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap is a whole new, versatile food storage wrap that
combines many benefits of today's wraps, foils, and food storage bags and
containers. It goes where no wrap has ever been. While other wraps cling,
GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap actually seals to surfaces including plastic,
paper, wood,metal, Styrofoam® containers and glass. It's the first
sealableplastic wrap.
GLAD Press’n Seal® wrap能黏著於各種物質表面,如塑膠、紙類、木頭、金屬等。
Q: How does GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap help prevent freezer burn?
A: Freezer burn occurs when food loses its moisture to surrounding air.
When air reaches the surface of food, it dries it out. GLAD Press'n Seal®
wrap help seal out cold freezer air to protect against freezer burn.
使用GLAD Press’n Seal® wrap能預防食品冷藏造成的脫水現象與表面乾燥硬化情況。
Q: What gives GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap its sealing qualities?
It uses Griptex®, a proprietary gripping technology. Think of the textured
surface of GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap as having thousands of tiny hills and
valleys. Only when you apply pressure do the valleys seal to the desired
A: The sealing actually works with the help of the primary ingredients
typically found in chewing gum — an old idea now applied to wrap! These
ingredients have been approved by the FDA for over thirty-five years and
are frequently used for labels found on fruits and vegetables. Griptex®
technology allows GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap to seal to plastic, paper,
Styrofoam®containers, metal, wood and many other surfaces.
GLAD Press’n Seal® wrap 之所以具有如此良好的黏性是由於採用了Griptex®的
於物體表面。這項技術早在三十五年前就已被 FDA 核准使用於蔬果的標識。
Q: Does GLAD Press'n Seal® contain phthalates or BPA (Bisphenol A)?
A: NO. Glad food containers, wraps, and storage bags and other food contact
products are not made of phthalates or polycarbonate. Nor is Bisphenol A
(BPA)used as a raw material in their production.
GLAD Press’n Seal® wrap並未使用鄰苯二甲酸酯 (phthalates) 與酚甲烷 (BPA)
* 鄰苯二甲酸酯: 塑膠工業中常用塑化劑
* BPA: 聚丙烯塑膠防碎功能
* 文末有其他單位檢測的說明
Q: What happens to the seal? Does it remain on the food?
A: The sealing actually works with the help of the primary ingredients
typically found in chewing gum — an old idea now applied to wrap! These
ingredients have been approved by the FDA for over thirty-five years and
are frequently used for labels found on fruits and vegetables. According
to the FDA, small amounts of such ingredients in food do not pose any
health risk.
根據FDA的標準,GLAD Press’n Seal® wrap所殘留於食物上的成分對健康尚未發
Q: In the past, there has been concern about particles from the plastics
migrating to food when heated for cooking. Can this migration happen with
GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap? If so, isn't it harmful?
A: The concern over heating plastics and migration stems from the use of
chemical additives (known as plasticizers) in plastics made of polyvinyl
chloride (PVC). GLAD does not use any PVC plastics in its products.
GLAD wraps are safe to use in the microwave.
由於GLAD Press’n Seal® wrap並未使用PVC成分,因此加熱或烹調後並不會釋出有
Q: Can GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap be recycled?
A: Like other plastic wraps, GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap is not recyclable.
GLAD Press'n Seal® wrap並不適合回收。
網站 ( 抽測坊間30種塑膠容器與保鮮膜是否含有
鄰苯二甲酸酯 (phthalates) 與 酚甲烷 (BPA),且是否會經由加熱或烹調將有
抽測結果發現有27項商品並不含有鄰苯二甲酸酯 (phthalates) 與酚甲烷 (BPA),
然而卻有三項商品含有低含量的鄰苯二甲酸酯 (phthalates) 與酚甲烷 (BPA),
而GLAD Press'nSeal® wrap 即為其中一項,但幸運的是經由食物加熱微波檢測後,
未檢測出之詳細清單如下:Tupperware CrystalWave container,
Tupperware CrystalWave lid, Tupperware Rock 'N Serve container,
Tupperware Rock'N Serve lid, Rubbermaid EasyFind Lids lid,
Rubbermaid Premier lid, Glad SimplyCooking Microwave Steaming Bags,
Ziploc Brand Zip 'n Steam Microwave Steam Cooking Bags,
GladWare Containers with Interlocking Lids container,
GladWare Containers with Interlocking Lids lid,
Ziploc Brand Containers with Snap 'N Seal Lids container,
Ziploc Brand Containers with Snap 'N Seal Lids lid,
Webster Industries Good Sense storage container,
Webster Industries Good Sense storage container lid,
United Plastics 21 oz Bowl, Saran Premium wrap,
Saran Cling Plus Clear Plastic Wrap, Glad Cling Wrap Clear Plastic Wrap,
Reynolds Clear Seal-Tight Plastic Wrap,
Ziploc Brand Storage Bags with Double Zipper,
Ziploc Brand Freezer Bags with Double Zipper,
Glad Freezer Storage Bags, Reynolds SlowCooker Liners,
Kid Cuisine All Star Chicken Breast Nuggets container,
Kid Cuisine All Star Chicken Breast Nuggets film cover,
Stouffer's frozen Homestyle Classics Lasagna with Meat & Sauce tray,
Stouffer's frozen Homestyle Classics Lasagna with Meat & Sauce film covering
檢測出低含量之三項商品為 Rubbermaid EasyFind Lids container,
Rubbermaid Premier container, Glad Press'n Seal Multipurpose Sealing Wrap
.◥██◤ 批 兔 版
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.‧.˙. ..˙ .˙ .‧.˙ .‧.˙ .‧.˙ .‧.˙ .‧.˙ .‧
Rufiw 魯夫
All Comments

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