ASOS的11/11超差購買經驗 - 海外購物

John avatar
By John
at 2015-11-27T20:44

Table of Contents


在這之前都是在英國的ASOS購買(Country Site: UK),

經驗應該有20次以上了吧, 從來沒有漏寄或是錯件過,這次的英國包裹內容物依舊沒有錯誤

結果在Country Site選US的那包內容物沒有一件對的---

一件Shock Absorber的運動內衣根本沒放進去
(check紙本order summary, 運動內衣有寫在上面),

(我在官網上的order history也顯示US8, 但我收到的Email confirmation的確是US9,

真的是很怒也很失望, 畢竟已經愛用ASOS 5年以上了...
已經填了Query單給客服, 希望能順利補寄我的gym bra...

另外問一下各位大大, 如果是ASOS自己放錯尺寸而不是單純客戶反悔想退貨,
退換貨的國際運費依舊是要客戶出錢嗎?? 如果是的話就更令人火大了...


------------ 後續進度 --------------

ASOS客服還算回得滿快的, 20分鐘內就回信了~ 簡單擷取重點

1. 其實我們size沒算錯喔, 對照Timberland官網上的尺寸表是對的,
不過我們的size chart可能會誤導客人啦~你的case我會當特例處理
(個人感想: 屁! Timberland官方尺寸表US9也是等於UK7, 這就是我一般會穿的size,
怎麼會莫名變成US8?!!而且ASOS寄給我的email confirmation明明寫的也是US9)

2. 會補寄正確尺寸的鞋子給你, 請把錯誤尺寸的鞋子寄回來, 附上郵資證明,

3. 沒提到漏寄的運動內衣會怎樣處理, 所以我又寫信去追問了



Thanks for getting in touch with ASOS today, I hope you're well.

I'm really sorry to hear that you received an incorrect item and that the
other one was missing from your order completely, that is really unusual and
is not at all the standard of service that we want to give to our valued
customers. The size for the Timberland shoes is actually correct for the
sizes according to their website (click here to see), however as the size
guide on our website may have mislead I will make an exception on this
occasion. I'm going to arrange for a replacement to be sent out to you as
soon as possible. You'll receive an email to let you know your order has been

Please send the incorrect item back to us within 28 days.

You can use the sticky address label on your returns note when you send it
back to us. If you haven't got the label anymore, click here to get a new

Please fill in the section on the back of your delivery note to say the item
is incorrect and put the note in your parcel when you send it back. Do ask
for proof of postage and ensure you keep it safe in case we need to look at
it later on.

I can refund your postage costs for you - simply reply back to me with a copy
of your proof of postage and let us know the currency and amount paid - or
you could fax it to us on 0044 1442 840 278. If faxing us please remember to
include your name and order number so we know it's your proof of postage.

If you need anything else at all just let me know - I'd be happy to help.

Best wishes,

ASOS Customer Care


All Comments

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2015-11-29T18:07
他們出的包 他們會出運費
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2015-12-02T09:10
剛退貨 運費還比內容物貴....
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2015-12-06T23:38
我還沒收到 好害怕 囧 這次1111出包狀況好像滿多的
Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2015-12-10T06:39
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2015-12-13T04:16
今年1111的狀況特別多 往年都不會 ... 用英國版 鞋
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2015-12-13T22:27
其實看US不太準 因為他們看EU的 我買的鞋也是降子
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2015-12-18T15:46
買US9.5 EU42 寄來變US8.5 EU42 所以看EU會比校準喔
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2015-12-20T18:50
c大,應該說不管是us uk eu jp, timberland那雙鞋
我原先訂的跟我實際尺寸都是一致的, 下訂前也有去官
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2015-12-24T13:52
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2015-12-28T23:31
1111買兩雙馬丁一件polo 被分裝成兩包 一包對
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2015-12-30T12:13
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2015-12-31T05:21
我的雙11升快遞 一周內到 都無問題...
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2016-01-05T02:03
Una avatar
By Una
at 2016-01-08T01:29
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2016-01-11T17:11
意外發現原潑腳跟我一樣的 覺得開心
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2016-01-16T14:01
Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2016-01-17T21:33
終於收到訂的鞋子了 結果只來了一隻腳... 網站上還
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2016-01-20T21:05


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2015-11-27T16:44
請問像標題這樣情形是被砍單了嗎? (第一次購買,使用台灣卡,寄美國代收,帳單地址也填代收地址) 那同帳號換美國運通卡會有機會訂購成功嗎? 請好心人幫忙解惑呀~ 感激不盡!!!! -- Sent from my Android - ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2015-11-26T22:14
選了幾款black friday折扣外套 商品頁面也沒有特別註明 但結帳時皆顯示: “此產品沒有寄送到此國家/地區的服務。請從購物車刪除此項目” 請問有人知道是什麼特殊原因嗎 謝謝 - ...

mobacolle 註冊問題

Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2015-11-26T00:17
今年想自己買福袋,PJ的內衣只有這個網站才有,但網站註冊有ㄧ欄一定要輸入平假名, 也不能放羅馬拼音,請問該怎麼辦呢QQ - ...

rebecca minkoff官網是否容易被課稅?

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2015-11-25T20:16
想詢問版友RM官網滿300美金直寄台灣免運費,剛剛試算了一下未滿300會加收運費與稅金 (請問這邊的稅金是關稅嗎?),滿300就沒另外加上任何費用了,請問買過的板友有被 課過稅嗎?謝謝。 ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2015-11-23T17:22
(手機排版請見諒) 最近想從美國Amazon網站買G-SHOCK, 這幾天爬了幾個賣家跟觀察價錢, 由於完全沒有過在Amazon的購買經驗, 加上想買的商品金額超過200美金, 所以對於選擇賣家有些遲疑, 想請問大家何者為佳: 1號賣家: 有prime認證, fulfilled by Amazon,價錢相對 ...