Anya Hindmarch限量環保袋 - CK

Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2007-07-07T07:08

Table of Contents


Q: How do you feel about customers just buying I’m Not A Plastic Bag
because they just want an Anya Hindmarch product for very little money?

A: It is inevitable that some customers are attracted to this product
because it is an Anya Hindmarch Bag for a low price point. Our view is
that whatever the reason is for customers carrying this bag they are
still conveying an important message. The bag is designed to be a
practical and stylish alternative to plastic bags that we hope that
customers will reuse. It is surprising how many plastic bags you start
to refuse on your daily shopping trips when you are carrying a reusable
bag and surprising how many people are influenced by the walking billboard
that is our bag!

Q: What do we think about the bags re-selling on ebay for inflated prices?

A: At first we were upset when the bags appeared on e-bay but then we
realised that this is to be expected when there is so little stock and
so much demand and this has led to creating more awareness which was
the purpose of this project. Unfortunately we have no control over bags
appearing on eBay. Please note that this bag is not a charity project
so charities are not losing out.


Tags: CK

All Comments

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2007-07-08T12:51
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2007-07-10T12:59
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2007-07-12T04:03
所以可能是炒作吧 我也同意如果為環保,怎不低價量產
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2007-07-14T07:37
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2007-07-16T11:11
yahoo拍賣 一個已經標到9500元了....= =:
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2007-07-19T06:58

Anya Hindmarch 美國版環保包包

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2007-07-07T02:22
※ 引述《mavis1986 (現在很幸福andgt;///andlt;)》之銘言: : 事情這樣的,我想問一下 : Anya Hindmarch最近炒的很紅火的包包 : 在加拿大是哪時候開始發售的 : �� ...

Re: 請問一下Anya Hindmarch的I'm NOT A Plastic bag!

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2007-07-05T20:21
請問一下.. 這各品牌在英國買會比台灣專櫃便宜嗎? 下週要去英國自助旅行.. 若便宜很多就打算去敗包包回來XDD 另外,這個購物袋英國專櫃還買的到嗎? �� ...

Re: 請問一下Anya Hindmarch的I'm NOT A Plastic bag!

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2007-07-05T02:59
※ 引述《lph (check)》之銘言: : 這個包已然在代買版po出來好多次了, : 看起來很多人都想要. : 但我只能說台灣人非常厲害! : 請看:http://tw.f3. ...

幫我看這LV包包..或推薦其他款式 ~~ 謝謝 !!

Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2007-07-03T11:50
本來就打算買個名牌包包.但是一直找不到適合的.. 前幾天到LV買皮夾.在路上看到一位男生拿一款肩背的包.覺得還不錯... 買完皮夾順便問店員..原來是� ...

Re: Gucci用YKK的拉鍊?

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2007-07-02T09:25
※ 引述《happygirl123 (happy girl)》之銘言: 前幾天買了一個Gucci的包包 在英國百貨公司買的 沒想到回家仔細一看 竟然是使用YKK的拉鍊 → kkcity59:我覺得guc ...